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Auburn research looks to control deer feeding on row crops

When can there be too many deer even for a hunting enthusiast? When that same enthusiast is a row-crop farmer, and the deer are using their fields as an all-you-can-eat buffet. While deer grazing on crops has been a consistent problem for decades, it has escalated in...

Measuring the impact of natural light on chicken production

The average broiler chicken lives 6–8 weeks and spends much of that time indoors, but researchers at Auburn University are investigating the use of natural light in broiler houses and its effects on bird performance and welfare. A team of agricultural engineers,...

Appel named interim dean and director for College of Agriculture, Experiment Station

Arthur Appel will serve as interim dean of the Auburn University College of Agriculture and interim director of the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, effective Jan. 1. Appel has served in his current role as associate dean for research and assistant director of...
Alumni return for student-for-a-day experience

Alumni return for student-for-a-day experience

By Vanna Dupree For the first time, the College of Agriculture at Auburn University invited alumni to return to campus to experience a day in the life of an Auburn agriculture student once again. The Student-for-a-Day Alumni Experience invited guests to attend a...

Roof on the Rane

Roof on the Rane

The College of Agriculture at Auburn University proudly presents "Roof on the Rane" as part of its series of mini documentaries. Join us atop the roof of Auburn's latest and greatest building. The Tony and Libba Rane Culinary Science Center is a world-class...

Overcoming barriers to aquaponics in food deserts

Overcoming barriers to aquaponics in food deserts

It looks like a natural fit: a sustainable system that produces fresh vegetables and fish located in food deserts with marginalized populations. And, while there has been an explosion in the interest surrounding such an arrangement, there are significant technological...

Wenying Li presented prestigious article award

Wenying Li presented prestigious article award

Wenying Li, an assistant professor in the Auburn University College of Agriculture’s Department of Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology, has received the 2021 American Journal of Agricultural Economics (AJAE) Outstanding Article Award for his work,...

Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station announces new structure

Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station announces new structure

The Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station (AAES) at Auburn University has announced a new regional structure of its outlying units and operations. “The new regional organization structure is intended to focus more station-based personnel on research operations,”...

Make it to the market June  30

Make it to the market June 30

Market at Ag Heritage Park underway, to feature special guest Thursday, June 30 A very special Auburn Tiger will visit the Market at Ag Heritage Park on Thursday, June 30. Aubie the Tiger will be stopping by to mingle with shoppers at the market hosted by the College...

Ag economists discuss U.S. corn crop

Ag economists discuss U.S. corn crop

Henry Kinnucan and Brittney Goodrich, agricultural economists in Auburn University’s College of Agriculture, comment on the heavy rain and floods affecting U.S. corn farmers, especially in the Midwest, who face delayed planting. Consumers also face rising grocery and ethanol prices as a result of the delayed planting.