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This is the work that makes the world work.

As agricultural scientists, our focus is on the food, fuel, water and natural resources that keep our world moving. We are working to make food safer, the environment cleaner and communities healthier. We are working to stamp out poverty while making farms more efficient and sustainable. As one of the founding colleges of Auburn University, we tackle these goals through innovative research, academic rigor and outreach programs spanning around the world.

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Graduation marshal Rachel Robinson sets sights on vet school

Auburn University Marching Band member Rachel Robinson has one more march to make. The animal sciences (pre-vet) major is the student marshal for the College of Agriculture at the 2024 winter commencement ceremony on Saturday, Dec. 14. Robinson’s time as an...

Taking the guesswork out of catfish sperm quality

Catfish farmers may be hurting their profitability by needlessly sacrificing male catfish when collecting sperm for breeding, according to a recent Auburn study. The same study discovered the indicators farmers commonly use to select males for breeding, like head size...

Rypel named director of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences

Andrew L. Rypel will serve as director of the Auburn University School of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences, effective March 22. He comes from the University of California at Davis, where he currently serves as director of the Center for Watershed Resources...

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