M.S. & M.Ag. in
Agricultural Economics
Building stronger communities
The Department of Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology offers the Master of Agriculture and Master of Science in agricultural economics. These master’s graduate degree programs offer studies in agribusiness management, production economics, markets and prices, environmental economics and more.
Students in the master’s program for agricultural economics learn how to solve social and business problems through rigorous analysis and sound judgment. They can specialize in areas including natural resource and environmental economics, applied production economics, international economics and applied market analysis.
Our graduates work in universities, government agencies and the private sector, keeping the necessary, behind-the-scenes wheels of this crucial industry turning.
Areas of Specialization
- Natural Resource & Environmental Economics
- Applied Production Economics
- International Economics
- Applied Market Analysis
Master’s Degree programs
The information below is a brief description of Master Programs in Agricultural Economics offered by our department.
Master of Science (M.S.)
The Master of Science in Agricultural Economics graduate degree is a thesis and non-thesis program offering studies in agricultural marketing, production economics, agricultural business, environmental economics and more.
The Master of Science in Agricultural Economics requires a minimum of 30 total semester hours of graduate credit. The thesis option requires 6 hours of thesis research as part of the 30 total hours. The program of study will be planned in a field of interest, such as agricultural marketing, production economics, markets and prices, resources economics, environmental economics, agricultural finance, agricultural policy, international policy or farm management.
Candidates must pass a comprehensive examination covering the major field, as well as the research and thesis. This usually is a two‐hour oral examination upon completion of coursework and the thesis, but the student’s advisory committee also may require a written examination.
Master of Agriculture (M.Ag.)
The Master of Agriculture Business & Economics degree is a non-thesis option that provides a broad graduate training in agriculture, agricultural economics and rural sociology.
A minimum of 32 hours of course work is required with at least 18 hours in the major. A final oral exam is given by the advisory committee. Admission requirements for the Master of Agriculture are equivalent to those for the Master of Science degrees outlined in the AERS Graduate Handbook.
This non‐thesis option requires a “Plan B” paper that serves as the basis for the student’s final oral exam. Students pursuing the Master of Agriculture are typically not funded by the department but may seek funding directly from a faculty member.
For more information in detail please reference these graudate degree documents regarding our M.S. and M.Ag. degrees in Agricultural Economics.
AERS Graduate Handbook (PDF)
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209A Comer Hall
Auburn Univ, AL 36849