Giambrone wins poultry disease research award

Photo of Joe Giambrone, avian pathologist and Auburn Poultry Science professor emeritus.

By Jamie Creamer / Aug 21, 2019 3:59:33 PM

The American Association of Avian Pathologists has honored Joseph Giambrone, professor emeritus in Auburn University’s Department of Poultry Science, for his many scientific contributions to the prevention and control of poultry diseases by presenting him its 2019 Bruce W. Calnek Applied Poultry Research Achievement Award.

The prestigious award recognizes the measurable, practical impact that Giambrone’s research discoveries over his 41-year career have had on the control of devastating viral poultry diseases, including avian influenza, infectious laryngotracheitis, Newcastle disease and infectious bursal disease.

The association made the presentation at its recent annual meeting, citing Giambrone’s influential work to advance the understanding of pathogen ecology, enhance disease detection and surveillance methods and develop new, effective vaccines and vaccine strategies. His research has improved the health of commercial poultry flocks and protected the nation’s poultry industry.

Giambrone, who retired as professor emeritus earlier this year, joined the poultry science faculty at Auburn in 1977 after completing a doctorate in microbiology from the University of Georgia. He has been the recipient of research awards from the Poultry Science Association, the National Broiler Association and the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station. He also is past president of the Southern Conference on Avian Diseases and former section editor for the Journal of Applied Poultry Research.

The avian pathologists’ organization established the Bruce W. Calnek award in 2004 to recognize meritorious research accomplishments resulting in the control of important poultry diseases.

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