A seasoned academic and agriculturalist will share a land-grant...

A seasoned academic and agriculturalist will share a land-grant...
The Auburn University College of Agriculture’s E.T. York Distinguished Lecturer Series will present U.S. Ambassador Kip Tom as the Spring 2021 York Lecturer Tuesday, April 27, in Auburn. The lecture, set for 12 p.m. in the Auburn University Hotel...
By Paul Hollis / Sep 30, 2019 3:26:10 PM News, Events The climate is changing, but farmers are not to blame, the chief scientist of the USDA said recently during a presentation to a group of students and faculty at Auburn University. “There are a lot of reasons for...
By Vanna Dupree The E.T. York Distinguished Lecturer Series in the Auburn University College of Agriculture will host Thomas Spencer, a Curators’ Distinguished...
Data-driven agriculture could help feed growing population Land area is not increasing, soils are not getting any richer, and water levels are going down. So how do we...
Ranveer Chandra to discuss empowering farmers with affordable digital agriculture techniques The brain behind FarmBeats — an agricultural research project developed by...
A University of California, Berkeley, economist will discuss the risks versus the benefits of genetically modifying foods and crops when he presents the Fall 2018 E.T. York Distinguished Lecture Monday, Oct. 22, at 4 p.m. on the Auburn University campus.
A University of California, Berkeley, economist will discuss the risks versus the benefits of genetically modifying foods and crops when he presents the Fall 2018 E.T. York Distinguished Lecture Monday, Oct. 22, at 4 p.m. on the Auburn University campus.