Clubs & Organizations
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Employers are not only looking to hire graduates that are well rounded in experiences inside but also outside the classroom. Participating in a student club or organization is as much a part of the college experience as attending lectures and taking finals.
Student clubs are a great way to meet new people who share your interests, enthusiasm, build your resume/cv, and to make friendships that will last a lifetime.
Make the most of your Auburn experience by getting involved in at least one student organization. Campus-wide, Auburn has 300 student clubs, 23 of which are in the College of Agriculture. Browse our groups, find your passion and join.
Ag Ambassadors
As the official representatives of the College of Agriculture, the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station and the Ag Alumni Association, Ag Ambassadors promote the college and Auburn University.
- Advisors – Madisen Cope, Amy Wright, Mykel Taylor, Max Runge
Ag Peer Mentors
The Ag Peer Mentors serve to enhance the academic advising services and professional development of undergraduate students in the College of Agriculture. Mentor responsibilities include supplementing academic advising services, increasing awareness of and participation in career developments activities, and providing targeted workshops for students to enhance academic performance.
Mentors are available to answer questions and provide guidance from a student’s perspective in regards to advising and academic matters, as well insight on high-impact experiences such as internships, study abroad and undergraduate research.
- Advisors – Megan Ross, Megan Adamson
Agriculture Student Council
The Ag Council functions as a voice for the College of Agriculture’s student body to College faculty and administration as well as the SGA. The Council also works to develop and retain students by hosting social events, career fairs and philanthropy events. Membership is open to all.
- Advisor – Megan Ross
Agribusiness Club
The Agribusiness Club is a student organization designed to help students develop their potential for future employers by encouraging them, supporting them and working with them in any way possible.
- Advisor – Ashley Aston
American Fisheries Society
The Auburn Chapter of the American Fisheries Society is a professional organization open to any Auburn student interested in fisheries or aquaculture. The chapter promotes professional development, outreach and scholarships. The club also tries to involve the local and regional communities through public education programs and habitat clean up and restoration projects. Meetings are held the first Thursday of every month (summer term excluded) in the AFS reading room in the basement of Swingle Hall.
- Advisor – Allen Davis
American Society of Agricultural & Biological Engineers (ASABE)
Biosystems Engineering students are active in the student branch of ASABE, the society for engineering in agricultural, food, forest and biological systems. They participate in many activities on and off campus. These include competing in the international quarter-scale tractor design competition and participating in regional and international ASABE meetings.
- Advisor – Jon Davis and Brooks Triplett
Auburn Biotechnology Society
Our goal is to help students develop a professional network and bring guest speakers to the university to share their expertise in regards to biotechnology.
- Advisor – John Beckmann
Auburn Landscape & Nursery Association (AULNA)
The Auburn student chapter of Landscape & Nursery Association (AULNA) connects students to those in the Horticultural Industry through interactions at meetings to outdoor activities. Meetings frequently include speakers from industry, and each spring, members travel to the national competitions where they compete in events relating to all areas of the horticulture industry.
Students are given the opportunity to meet with companies and see how they can grow within the green industry. Students also make industry contacts for internships and job opportunities.
- Advisor – Heath Hoffman
Auburn Young Farmers
The Auburn Young Farmers organization seeks to develop leadership training and experience; expand varied interests of young, rural Alabamians; create awareness of the problems that face today’s young farmers; promote better understanding of agribusiness; broaden the understanding about the organization, operation and policies of the Alabama Farmers Federation; and give Alabama’s young farmers the opportunity to have a vital voice in Alabama and its government.
In addition to regular meetings, activities include Youth Leadership Camps, charity drives, Ag Hill and campus activities and other events.
- Advisor – Kim Mullenix
Block & Bridle Club
The Auburn University Block and Bridle Club focuses on developing skills needed in the professional world of animal agriculture. The club participates in and puts on several events throughout the year to give members experience and build relationships with people throughout the industry. These events increase knowledge of the industry, provide the opportunity and ability to work with and handle livestock, expand leadership skills and bring together students of a common interest.
- Advisor – Brandon Smith
Collegiate Cattlemen & Cattlewomen
This club is open to any undergraduate or graduate student with any interest in pre-and post-harvest cattle production or cooking and preparation of meat. The purpose of the club is to promote knowledge, activities and comaraderie among students.
We are an auxiliary of the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association and seek to acquaint students with industry leaders and meat scientists in the industry, and provide students with the opportunity to become more successful in the work field.
- Advisors – Mallory Beck
Collegiate Horsemen's Association
This club is open to all students who have a passion for horses and related activities. Members learn about different aspects of the horse industry from professionals in equine-related fields and have hands-on experience related to the care and handling of horses. Owning a horse is not a requirement.
- Advisor – Courtney Heaton and Aeriel Belk
Crop, Soil & Environmental Sciences Club
The Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences Club is a professional organization for students who are interested in agriculture, sustainability and environmental sciences. Joining is a great way to network with like-minded individuals and discuss relevant agriculture issues. The CSES Club is a student division of the American Society of Agronomy in which we participate in events sponsored by SASES, such as national meetings. Other activities include monthly meetings with guest speakers and a sweet corn sale, our main fundraising event.
- Advisor – Audrey Gamble
Crop, Soil & Environmental Science Graduate Student Association
Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences Graduate Student Organization is a group of graduate students working together to promote networking among students and professionals with similar agricultural interests. Social and educational opportunities will foster professional career development and encourage the exchange of ideas.
- Advisor – Steve Li
Future Agricultural Science Teachers (FAST)
- Advisor: Jillian Ford
Food Science Club
Food Science is an exciting multidisciplinary scientific field where concepts of chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics, engineering and nutrition are used to develop and produce food products that are safe, tasty, healthy and economical. This club is open to students who want to learn more about the food they consume and opportunities in the Food Science sector.
- Advisor – Dr. Sungeun Cho
F.S. Arant Entomology Club
We are an organization for students, graduate and undergraduate, staff, and faculty members, who are interested in entomology and plant pathology. We organize group activities, educational seminars, educational outreach, and departmental events. All students, faculty and staff who are interested in entomology and plant pathology are welcome to join us at any of our events.
- Advisors – Zachary Noel, Katelyn Kesheimer
Horticulture Club
The Horticulture Club is a service-oriented organization aimed at teaching others the basics of plant production and gardening. Membership is open to all students interested in fruit, vegetable and ornamental plant gardening, regardless of major. Join to learn and get a hand-on experience in growing the fruits, vegetables and flowers you love, while serving the community.
- Advisor – Josh Weaver
IHSA Equestrian Team
The IHSA program promotes competition for riders of all skill levels, who compete individually and as teams at Regional, Zone and National levels. Here at Auburn, we as a team emphasize the importance of horsemanship and community service while improving competitive riding for all skill levels.
- Huntseat Advisor – Caroline Becker
- Western Advisor- Lisa Dorsey
Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources & Related Sciences (MANRRS)
MANRRS is the largest minority-focused organization for professionals and students (junior high school through doctoral programs). It is the goal of our organization to provide them with the support to become productive citizens by engagement in leadership development activities, educational opportunities, job readiness training, and facilitating internship placement and permanent employment, with special emphasis on agriculture, natural resources and related sciences.
- Advisor – Michelle Cole
National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA)
The Auburn student chapter of NAMA represents students interested in careers in agribusiness and aims to help them develop marketing, management, communication and leadership skills and to introduce them to the career contact network.
Organic Garden Club
The goal of the Organic Garden Club is to provide hands-on education about natural growing methods for edible and medicinal plants.
A space for people who are looking to get in touch with growing fresh produce and fungi by building the soil using vermicomposting and composting methods.
As a club, they will search out and bring together different natural growing methods to maximize the efficiency of farming techniques.
- Advisor – Daniel Wells
Poultry Science Club
The Poultry Science Club exposes students to the poultry industry and strengthens their relationships with departmental faculty and industry leaders. Club activities include sales of smoked birds, sponsorship of the His Place chicken project and community education on poultry related topics. The club also helps recruit qualified students into the College of Agriculture. Membership is open to anyone interested in any aspect of the poultry industry.
- Advisor – Jessica Starkey
Pre-Veterinary Medical Association
This group includes pre-veterinary students who share interest in veterinary medicine and love animals. Members learn about the expectations associated with pre-veterinary and veterinary education and the veterinary profession and build strong friendships with other pre-vet students. Club activities include panel discussions with current vet students and dinner outings. PVMA is open to students in all majors and colleges at Auburn.
- Advisor – Terry Brandebourg
Sigma Alpha - Beta ETA Chapter
Sigma Alpha is a professional agricultural sorority that promotes scholarship, leadership, service and fellowship among its members. The sorority was found in 1978 at Ohio State University by five women who wanted an alternative to the social Greek sorority system. We support Ag in the Classroom as our national service project. We are dedicated to the motto: Women Excelling in Agriculture.
- Advisor – Amy Brock and Mallory Beck
Soil Judging Team
Join our Soil Judging team and learn about soil morphology in order to use your knowledge against other southeastern and national colleges. Soil contestants arrive at various soil pits and are expected to correctly identify, evaluate, classify, and describe four soil profiles.
For more information, email the coach Joey Shaw.
Student Association of Black Veterinarians
The Student Association of Black Veterinarians is to empower and create a social network of support for Black students by building strong connections among pre-veterinarian students, veterinarian students, and alumni. We aim to provide mentorship and opportunities for pre-veterinary students to improve their understanding of the standards of the veterinary profession, improve their knowledge of the pre-veterinary professional option, and showcase various opportunities while increasing their appreciation of careers in veterinary medicine and agriculture. We aim to being the bridge in the Agriculture community among various groups.
- Advisor – Shannon Boveland
Turf Bowl Team
Every year at the GCSAA Education Conference and Golf Industry Show, teams of college students participate in the Collegiate Turf Bowl. The competition consists of a written exam developed by superintendents and a written essay.
For more information, email the coach David Han.
USAS Aquaculture
The goals of USAS :
- To provide an organized forum for the discussion of aquaculture between students and professionals of USAS.
- To improve communication among aquaculture students and to promote USAS activities at the student and local level.
- To increase representation of student membership in the USAS.
- To provide professional opportunities for leadership.
- To provide unique, aquaculture opportunities that is not already found at Auburn.
- To communicate meetings and activities to both members and non-members in a professional timeframe.
- To learn and network as a diverse community in aquaculture.
- To collaborate with AFS to improve the School of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences (SFAAS) at Auburn University for students, staff and faculty.
- To promote sustainable aquaculture to the public as outreach.
- Advisor – David Cline
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National & International Orgs
- American Society of Agronomy (ASA) – A progressive international scientific and professional society that empowers scientists, educators and practitioners in developing, disseminating and applying agronomic solutions to feed and sustain the world.
- Crop Science Society of America (CSSA) – An international scientific society that fosters the mission of plant science for a better world.
- Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) – A progressive international scientific society that fosters the transfer of knowledge and practices to sustain global soils.
- Student Conservation Association – A national organizational for students and future conservation leaders.