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New short corn not ‘as high as an elephant’s eye’

The line from the classic musical “Oklahoma” that refers to corn being “as high as an elephant’s eye” would not apply to some of the new hybrids becoming available to producers. Reduced-stature corn, also referred to as “short” corn, is a concept that has gained...

Finding frost-tolerant blueberries for Alabama growers

Alabama blueberry farmers could soon start growing more frost-tolerant cultivars thanks to recent research at Auburn University. Most Alabama growers are still heavily relying on the native species rabbiteye (Vaccinium virgatum Ait), while producers in neighboring...

Finding frost-tolerant blueberries for Alabama growers

Alabama blueberry farmers could soon start growing more frost-tolerant cultivars thanks to recent research at Auburn University. Most Alabama growers are still heavily relying on the native species rabbiteye (Vaccinium virgatum Ait), while producers in neighboring...
Wells named Botts Endowed Professor

Wells named Botts Endowed Professor

Auburn University has awarded Daniel Wells, associate professor of horticulture, with its Elbert A. and Barbara L. Botts Endowed Professorship, effective this month. The appointment is for 33 months, January 2024-September 2026. Wells has served at Auburn since 2014,...

Student named to national FFA officer team

Student named to national FFA officer team

A student in the Auburn University College of Agriculture who was a 2019-2020 Alabama state Future Farmers of America officer was selected as a member of the Nominating Committee for the 2022-2023 National Future Farmers of America officer team. Ka’Shiya McKinney is a...

Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station announces new structure

Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station announces new structure

The Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station (AAES) at Auburn University has announced a new regional structure of its outlying units and operations. “The new regional organization structure is intended to focus more station-based personnel on research operations,”...

Conference to feature Southeast’s brightest agricultural minds

Conference to feature Southeast’s brightest agricultural minds

The College of Agriculture at Auburn University and its fellow land-grand universities throughout the Southeast are jointly hosting a conference next month to address the potential of artificial intelligence, robotics and automation in agriculture. Titled “Envisioning...