Student named to national FFA officer team

A student in the Auburn University College of Agriculture who was a 2019-2020 Alabama state Future Farmers of America officer was selected as a member of the Nominating Committee for the 2022-2023 National Future Farmers of America officer team.

Ka’Shiya McKinney is a junior majoring in poultry science (pre-professional). She and this committee of former state FFA officers will be responsible for selecting the new National Officer Team during the 95th National Convention in Indianapolis this October.

FFA is a student organization for those interested in agriculture and leadership and is one of three components of agricultural education in addition to supervised agricultural experience programs and classroom/laboratory instruction. The combination of these things provides a foundation of agricultural knowledge for students to carry with them through life to be a successful advocate for the industry.

McKinney began her FFA journey many years ago and is still involved today because of her passion for agriculture and the experiences the organization has brought her.

“I got involved in FFA in eighth grade after reciting the creed in my agriscience class,” McKinney said. “After that, I started going to meetings and eventually became my chapter’s creed speaker.”

After being in FFA for some time McKinney became the state reporter for Alabama in 2019 and was enthusiastic about receiving that position. She is just as excited about this new position and plans to serve the FFA community and represent Alabama just as she has in years past.

“As a member of this committee, I want to value everyone’s unique FFA stories,” she said. “These members desire to serve this organization is because of the impact it has left on them, and I want to strive to steward that well.”

The Alabama FFA website says, “We’re Growing the Next Generation of Leaders Who Will Change the World” and that is something McKinney has taken seriously during her time with Alabama FFA and will carry with her into the position on the Nominating Committee.

“I got involved in this committee after being recommended by my friend and current National Officer, Josiah Cruikshank,” McKinney said. “Afterward, I went through the application and interview process and was selected to serve.”

Being a member of FFA has allowed McKinney to find and pursue her passions while becoming an advocate for the industry of agriculture and a representative of the state’s FFA program.

“Being involved in this organization has truly changed my life, and I don’t say this lightly,” she said. “I am only in the College of Ag because FFA opened my eyes to the importance of this industry. As a result, I would like to eventually start a nonprofit that combines ag education and nutrition in low-income communities while also completing basic healthcare functions.”




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Oct 11, 2022 | News, Student Spotlight

<p><a href="" target="_self">Taylor Edwards</a></p>

Taylor Edwards

Taylor Edwards is a junior majoring in Agricultural Communications with a minor in Animal Science. In her free time, she participates in many extracurriculars within the College of Agriculture and enjoys reading, going to the gym and listening to true crime podcasts.

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