The annual U.S. Beekeeping Survey, designed and administered by...

The annual U.S. Beekeeping Survey, designed and administered by...
A seasoned researcher and administrator in the Auburn University College of Agriculture and one of the top 2% of entomologists in the world got her start in the field because of the kindness of a neighbor. Nannan Liu grew up in Beijing in a community full of...
One of several grants offered through the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station (AAES) research program for the current fiscal year will allow for the continuation of groundbreaking research originally established at Auburn University that focuses on using...
As John Mahas prepared for a move to start postdoctoral research at Cornell University, he was still wrapping up research in the Auburn University lab where he earned his master’s and doctorate. It was here he focused his work on managing the emerging cotton leafroll dwarf virus (CLRDV) and its vector, the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii. This research led to the publication of two peer-reviewed papers, one of which marked a first in the Southeastern United States.
Auburn University researcher part of team identifying fast-multiplying New York City ant An unidentified ant that went viral following its discovery in the heart of New...
A seasoned researcher and administrator in the Auburn University College of Agriculture and one of the top 2% of entomologists in the world got her start in the field because of the kindness of a neighbor.
David Held has been named chair of Auburn University’s Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, effective October 1. Held has been a faculty member in the department since 2008. “I believe Dr. Held’s extensive experience in research, teaching and extension have...
Two Auburn University College of Agriculture researchers received the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) 2019 New Innovator Award.
Elina Coneva was appointed to the William A. Jr. and Cecelia Dozier Endowed Professorship and Kathy Lawrence to the Joseph Kloepper Professorship.
Auburn Entomologist John Beckmann was awarded $868,145 to develop a lightweight material that blocks mosquito bites and retains coolness in hot weather.
Neha Potnis, assistant professor in the College of Agriculture’s Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, and Matt Waters, assistant professor in the Department of Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences, have been named NSF Early Career award winners.
Dunham, Appel tapped for endowed professor positions.
A recent doctoral graduate in the College of Agriculture’s entomology program has completed the first scientific classification and identification study of a group of insects, phylloxerans – an insect similar to an aphid – that has been undertaken in more than a century.
The Auburn University College of Agriculture’s E.T. York Distinguished Lecturer Series will present U.S. Department of Agriculture Deputy Undersecretary Scott Hutchins as the Fall 2019 York Lecturer Thursday, Sept. 26, in Auburn. In the lecture, set for 4 p.m. in the...
Auburn extension specialists Kim Mullenix & Ayanava Majumdar were honored for their work at the Alabama Farmers Federation Aug. 1.
Auburn University researchers are examining the use of beneficial bacteria as an alternative to nitrogen on bermuda grass hay.
Beekeepers across the U.S. lost 40.7% of their managed honey bee colonies from April 1, 2018, to April 1, 2019, and experienced the highest rate of winter loss in 13 years, preliminary results of the annual nationwide colony loss survey show.
“The many speak highly of you, but have you really any grounds for satisfaction with yourself if you are the kind of person the many understand?”—Seneca, first-century Roman Stoic philosopher
Several College of Agriculture faculty members have been awarded promotion, tenure or both, effective fall semester 2019, Auburn Provost Bill Hardgrave has announced. Seven of those individuals will begin the 2019-20 academic year as full professors. They include Eve...
The Auburn University Bee Lab has been tapped to receive 100 percent of the funds donated to the College of Agriculture on the university’s Tiger Giving Day, set for Feb. 21. The Bee Lab, which opened in 2016, researches potential causes of declining honey bee populations while training students and others in bee-keeping biology and management.
The National Academy of Inventors, or NAI, has named Joseph Kloepper, Alumni Professor of plant pathology in Auburn’s College of Agriculture, as one of its 2018 fellows.
The National Academy of Inventors, or NAI, has named Joseph Kloepper, Alumni Professor of plant pathology in Auburn’s College of Agriculture, as one of its 2018 fellows. The 2018 fellows represent 125 research universities and governmental and nonprofit research...
Nineteen Auburn College of Agriculture and Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station faculty who collectively secured more than $11.8 million in research funding in the past fiscal year were among the 32 honorees in the college’s 2018 faculty and staff awards program in...
The Auburn University College of Agriculture and the City of Auburn are teaming up to host Bee Auburn 2018 June 18 – 22. The week, which coincides with National Pollinator Week 2018, celebrates pollinators and their impact on our culture, health, history, society and economy.
The nation’s beekeepers lost 40 percent of their managed honey bee colonies between April 1, 2017, and March 31, 2018, an increase of almost 7 percentage points from the previous year’s total loss rate, results of an annual nationwide survey show.
AUBURN, Ala. -- The nation’s beekeepers lost 40 percent of their managed honey bee colonies between April 1, 2017, and March 31, 2018, an increase of almost 7 percentage points from the previous year’s total loss rate, results of an annual nationwide survey show....
Geoffrey Williams, Auburn University assistant professor of insect pollination and apiculture, has been awarded a $283,000 grant from the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research’s Pollinator Health Fund for research aimed toward helping reverse the decline in...
David Held has been named chair of Auburn University’s Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, effective October 1. Held has been a faculty member in the department since 2008. “I believe Dr. Held’s extensive experience in research, teaching and extension have...
Two Auburn University College of Agriculture researchers received the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) 2019 New Innovator Award.
Elina Coneva was appointed to the William A. Jr. and Cecelia Dozier Endowed Professorship and Kathy Lawrence to the Joseph Kloepper Professorship.
Auburn Entomologist John Beckmann was awarded $868,145 to develop a lightweight material that blocks mosquito bites and retains coolness in hot weather.
Neha Potnis, assistant professor in the College of Agriculture’s Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, and Matt Waters, assistant professor in the Department of Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences, have been named NSF Early Career award winners.
Dunham, Appel tapped for endowed professor positions.
A recent doctoral graduate in the College of Agriculture’s entomology program has completed the first scientific classification and identification study of a group of insects, phylloxerans – an insect similar to an aphid – that has been undertaken in more than a century.
The Auburn University College of Agriculture’s E.T. York Distinguished Lecturer Series will present U.S. Department of Agriculture Deputy Undersecretary Scott Hutchins as the Fall 2019 York Lecturer Thursday, Sept. 26, in Auburn. In the lecture, set for 4 p.m. in the...
Auburn extension specialists Kim Mullenix & Ayanava Majumdar were honored for their work at the Alabama Farmers Federation Aug. 1.
Auburn University researchers are examining the use of beneficial bacteria as an alternative to nitrogen on bermuda grass hay.
Beekeepers across the U.S. lost 40.7% of their managed honey bee colonies from April 1, 2018, to April 1, 2019, and experienced the highest rate of winter loss in 13 years, preliminary results of the annual nationwide colony loss survey show.
“The many speak highly of you, but have you really any grounds for satisfaction with yourself if you are the kind of person the many understand?”—Seneca, first-century Roman Stoic philosopher
Several College of Agriculture faculty members have been awarded promotion, tenure or both, effective fall semester 2019, Auburn Provost Bill Hardgrave has announced. Seven of those individuals will begin the 2019-20 academic year as full professors. They include Eve...
The Auburn University Bee Lab has been tapped to receive 100 percent of the funds donated to the College of Agriculture on the university’s Tiger Giving Day, set for Feb. 21. The Bee Lab, which opened in 2016, researches potential causes of declining honey bee populations while training students and others in bee-keeping biology and management.
The National Academy of Inventors, or NAI, has named Joseph Kloepper, Alumni Professor of plant pathology in Auburn’s College of Agriculture, as one of its 2018 fellows.
The National Academy of Inventors, or NAI, has named Joseph Kloepper, Alumni Professor of plant pathology in Auburn’s College of Agriculture, as one of its 2018 fellows. The 2018 fellows represent 125 research universities and governmental and nonprofit research...
Nineteen Auburn College of Agriculture and Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station faculty who collectively secured more than $11.8 million in research funding in the past fiscal year were among the 32 honorees in the college’s 2018 faculty and staff awards program in...
The Auburn University College of Agriculture and the City of Auburn are teaming up to host Bee Auburn 2018 June 18 – 22. The week, which coincides with National Pollinator Week 2018, celebrates pollinators and their impact on our culture, health, history, society and economy.
The nation’s beekeepers lost 40 percent of their managed honey bee colonies between April 1, 2017, and March 31, 2018, an increase of almost 7 percentage points from the previous year’s total loss rate, results of an annual nationwide survey show.
AUBURN, Ala. -- The nation’s beekeepers lost 40 percent of their managed honey bee colonies between April 1, 2017, and March 31, 2018, an increase of almost 7 percentage points from the previous year’s total loss rate, results of an annual nationwide survey show....
Geoffrey Williams, Auburn University assistant professor of insect pollination and apiculture, has been awarded a $283,000 grant from the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research’s Pollinator Health Fund for research aimed toward helping reverse the decline in...