Several faculty and students in the College of Agriculture at Auburn...

Several faculty and students in the College of Agriculture at Auburn...
Research made possible by $650,000 USDA-NIFA grant The number of farms in the U.S. operated by women has grown 27% in recent years. Yet, despite their growing number and influence, little is known about the needs of women in farming, the challenges they face and their...
Dennis Brothers received the Southern Agricultural Economics Association’s Outstanding Extension Project Award at its annual meeting in early February. Brothers is an associate extension professor in the university’s Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural...
U.S. peanut producers have seen peaks and valleys in their yields over the years, prompting researchers at Auburn University to…
Farmers often lament the land lost to suburban sprawl, but across the South, a land mass roughly the size of New Jersey is stuck in a legal limbo known as heirs’ property.
Research made possible by $650,000 USDA-NIFA grant The number of farms in the U.S. operated by women has grown 27% in recent years. Yet, despite their growing number...
Ryan Thomson, assistant professor in the College of Agriculture’s Department of Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology, received The Rural Sociological Society Early Career Award for 2021. Proposals for the award involve small-scale projects that will enhance...
The challenges facing today’s small- and medium-sized farm operators are numerous, but perhaps the most daunting challenges are those faced by beginning farmers in a business climate that is currently in the midst of a generational turnover. A three-year study by...
After seeing record-high crop prices six years ago, U.S. farmers have been on a roller coaster ever since, with extreme weather events, trade issues and a worldwide pandemic all causing unpredictability. The COVID-19 pandemic, specifically, has caused significant...
Researchers in Auburn’s College of Agriculture hope to give a voice to the hardships endured in the Deep South’s rural areas during the COVID-19 crisis.
Left to right, Denis Nadolnyak, Ruiqing Miao and Michele Worosz, all of the College of Agriculture’s Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, are members of research teams that received grants from the National Science Foundation.
The Auburn University College of Agriculture’s E.T. York Distinguished Lecturer Series will present U.S. Department of Agriculture Deputy Undersecretary Scott Hutchins as the Fall 2019 York Lecturer Thursday, Sept. 26, in Auburn. In the lecture, set for 4 p.m. in the...
Would you be more willing to buy a bag of sweet potatoes, basket of peaches or a jar of honey if you knew from the label that it was grown in Alabama?
Henry Kinnucan and Brittney Goodrich, agricultural economists in Auburn University’s College of Agriculture, comment on the heavy rain and floods affecting U.S. corn farmers, especially in the Midwest, who face delayed planting. Consumers also face rising grocery and...
Henry Kinnucan and Brittney Goodrich, agricultural economists in Auburn University’s College of Agriculture, comment on the heavy rain and floods affecting U.S. corn farmers, especially in the Midwest, who face delayed planting. Consumers also face rising grocery and ethanol prices as a result of the delayed planting.
Chairperson, Division of Business and Accounting at Miles College in Birmingham, AL
A scientific paper that Auburn Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Alumni Professor Valentina Hartarska co-authored has won the Association for Social Economics’ 2019 Warren Samuels Prize. The society presents the award annually to a high-quality...
Valentina Hartarska, an alumni professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, was recently awarded the Warren Samuels Prize for Outstanding Research by the Association for Social Economics.
PHOTO: The Auburn University College of Agriculture's 2019 Alumni Award recipients included, from left, Bryan Word, Shannon Weaver, Mike Leonard, Alice McLaughlin, Dr. Calvin Johnson, Annette Bitto, John Woodruff and Johnny Grace. Eight successful professionals who...
A six-member team of Auburn agriculture majors won first place in the university’s inaugural Global Health Case Competition in January and advanced to the 2019 statewide contest in March at the University of Alabama Birmingham.
Amanda Stitt Moore is a development officer for Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC). In that capacity Amanda combines her passion for agriculture, higher education, and rural communities as she secures funding for ABAC, an institution that has a half a...
John Canfield is a Ph.D. student in the Sociology program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In 2019, he received his M.S. in Rural Sociology at Auburn University, where his research focused on the financialization of farmland in rural Illinois. His advisor was...
Jennie Hargrove is a Youth Program Specialist with the Iowa 4-H Youth Development Program. In her role, she provides program, volunteer, and professional supports to seven county 4-H programs in south central Iowa. Jennie completed her B.S. in Family and Consumer...
Nineteen Auburn College of Agriculture and Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station faculty who collectively secured more than $11.8 million in research funding in the past fiscal year were among the 32 honorees in the college’s 2018 faculty and staff awards program in...
An Auburn University associate professor and a department chair soon to join the Auburn family were honored in November by the USDA’s Association of Public and Land-grant Universities’ annual meeting in New Orleans.
Joshua Duke, currently professor of applied economics and statistics at the University of Delaware, will join the Auburn University College of Agriculture on March 1, 2019, as Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology chair and professor. College of...
Joshua Duke, currently professor of applied economics and statistics at the University of Delaware, will join the Auburn University College of Agriculture on March 1, 2019, as the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology chair and professor.
Ryan Thomson, assistant professor in the College of Agriculture’s Department of Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology, received The Rural Sociological Society Early Career Award for 2021. Proposals for the award involve small-scale projects that will enhance...
The challenges facing today’s small- and medium-sized farm operators are numerous, but perhaps the most daunting challenges are those faced by beginning farmers in a business climate that is currently in the midst of a generational turnover. A three-year study by...
After seeing record-high crop prices six years ago, U.S. farmers have been on a roller coaster ever since, with extreme weather events, trade issues and a worldwide pandemic all causing unpredictability. The COVID-19 pandemic, specifically, has caused significant...
Researchers in Auburn’s College of Agriculture hope to give a voice to the hardships endured in the Deep South’s rural areas during the COVID-19 crisis.
Left to right, Denis Nadolnyak, Ruiqing Miao and Michele Worosz, all of the College of Agriculture’s Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, are members of research teams that received grants from the National Science Foundation.
The Auburn University College of Agriculture’s E.T. York Distinguished Lecturer Series will present U.S. Department of Agriculture Deputy Undersecretary Scott Hutchins as the Fall 2019 York Lecturer Thursday, Sept. 26, in Auburn. In the lecture, set for 4 p.m. in the...
Would you be more willing to buy a bag of sweet potatoes, basket of peaches or a jar of honey if you knew from the label that it was grown in Alabama?
Henry Kinnucan and Brittney Goodrich, agricultural economists in Auburn University’s College of Agriculture, comment on the heavy rain and floods affecting U.S. corn farmers, especially in the Midwest, who face delayed planting. Consumers also face rising grocery and...
Henry Kinnucan and Brittney Goodrich, agricultural economists in Auburn University’s College of Agriculture, comment on the heavy rain and floods affecting U.S. corn farmers, especially in the Midwest, who face delayed planting. Consumers also face rising grocery and ethanol prices as a result of the delayed planting.
Chairperson, Division of Business and Accounting at Miles College in Birmingham, AL
A scientific paper that Auburn Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Alumni Professor Valentina Hartarska co-authored has won the Association for Social Economics’ 2019 Warren Samuels Prize. The society presents the award annually to a high-quality...
Valentina Hartarska, an alumni professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, was recently awarded the Warren Samuels Prize for Outstanding Research by the Association for Social Economics.
PHOTO: The Auburn University College of Agriculture's 2019 Alumni Award recipients included, from left, Bryan Word, Shannon Weaver, Mike Leonard, Alice McLaughlin, Dr. Calvin Johnson, Annette Bitto, John Woodruff and Johnny Grace. Eight successful professionals who...
A six-member team of Auburn agriculture majors won first place in the university’s inaugural Global Health Case Competition in January and advanced to the 2019 statewide contest in March at the University of Alabama Birmingham.
Amanda Stitt Moore is a development officer for Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC). In that capacity Amanda combines her passion for agriculture, higher education, and rural communities as she secures funding for ABAC, an institution that has a half a...
John Canfield is a Ph.D. student in the Sociology program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In 2019, he received his M.S. in Rural Sociology at Auburn University, where his research focused on the financialization of farmland in rural Illinois. His advisor was...
Jennie Hargrove is a Youth Program Specialist with the Iowa 4-H Youth Development Program. In her role, she provides program, volunteer, and professional supports to seven county 4-H programs in south central Iowa. Jennie completed her B.S. in Family and Consumer...
Nineteen Auburn College of Agriculture and Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station faculty who collectively secured more than $11.8 million in research funding in the past fiscal year were among the 32 honorees in the college’s 2018 faculty and staff awards program in...
An Auburn University associate professor and a department chair soon to join the Auburn family were honored in November by the USDA’s Association of Public and Land-grant Universities’ annual meeting in New Orleans.
Joshua Duke, currently professor of applied economics and statistics at the University of Delaware, will join the Auburn University College of Agriculture on March 1, 2019, as Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology chair and professor. College of...
Joshua Duke, currently professor of applied economics and statistics at the University of Delaware, will join the Auburn University College of Agriculture on March 1, 2019, as the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology chair and professor.