Departments Articles


Promoting blueberry production in Alabama

The term “superfood” is used loosely these days, most often for marketing purposes to help influence food trends and sell products that claim to have health benefits. But there are still foods truly deserving of the title, and the blueberry is one of these....

Auburn faculty redefining possibilities for use of biochar products in farming

Auburn faculty redefining possibilities for use of biochar products in farming

For researchers studying environmentally friendly farming practices, biochar is a game-changer.
Biochar, a charcoal-like substance created by heating plant waste, is a groundbreaking innovation in the field of sustainable farming. It is beneficial for improving soil quality, recycling organic plant material and capturing greenhouse gas emissions from the agricultural industry.

Mahas part of first team to investigate Southern cotton leafroll dwarf virus management

As John Mahas prepared for a move to start postdoctoral research at Cornell University, he was still wrapping up research in the Auburn University lab where he earned his master’s and doctorate. It was here he focused his work on managing the emerging cotton leafroll...
Ag economists discuss U.S. corn crop

Ag economists discuss U.S. corn crop

Henry Kinnucan and Brittney Goodrich, agricultural economists in Auburn University’s College of Agriculture, comment on the heavy rain and floods affecting U.S. corn farmers, especially in the Midwest, who face delayed planting. Consumers also face rising grocery and ethanol prices as a result of the delayed planting.

Ag economists discuss U.S. corn crop

Ag economists discuss U.S. corn crop

Henry Kinnucan and Brittney Goodrich, agricultural economists in Auburn University’s College of Agriculture, comment on the heavy rain and floods affecting U.S. corn farmers, especially in the Midwest, who face delayed planting. Consumers also face rising grocery and ethanol prices as a result of the delayed planting.