Journal article details catfish genome sequencing

Journal article details catfish genome sequencing

by PAUL HOLLISThe sequencing of the channel catfish genome—considered one of the major milestones in the annals of Auburn University research—has been detailed in an article published in the June 2 issue of Nature Communications, an international multidisciplinary...
Journal article details catfish genome sequencing

First Auburn/AAES–Cuba grants support research collaborations

AUBURN, Ala.— Six research projects that aim to encourage and advance academic collaborations between Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station researchers at Auburn University and scientists at Cuban agricultural universities and research centers are underway, funded...
Spring planting time

Spring planting time

by PAUL HOLLISFarmers throughout Alabama and the Southeast are gearing up for another spring planting season, with expectations running high for more favorable weather conditions and improved commodity prices compared to this past year.A sure sign that it’s planting...