'Tis The Season

by MARY CATHERINE GASTON Credit card offers, utility bills, unsolicited coupons and catalogs. If this is what typically fills your mailbox, you may have become understandably unexcited about the routine trip to the end of the driveway or the local post office. But...
Auburn aquatic scientist teams with environmentalist in new book

Auburn aquatic scientist teams with environmentalist in new book

AUBURN, Ala.—Claude Boyd, veteran professor in Auburn University’s School of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences, has a new book out. It is the eighth that the internationally recognized aquatic scientist and water-quality expert has authored, co-authored or...
Auburn aquatic scientist teams with environmentalist in new book

Ecosystems by design

by MARY CATHERINE GASTON Growing up in India’s water-scarce environment, Auburn University biosystems engineering professor Puneet Srivastava understood from an early age the importance of clean water. It was his graduate school experience studying ecosystems,...