'Tis The Season

by MARY CATHERINE GASTON Credit card offers, utility bills, unsolicited coupons and catalogs. If this is what typically fills your mailbox, you may have become understandably unexcited about the routine trip to the end of the driveway or the local post office. But...
Srivastava new head of Auburn's Water Resources Center

Srivastava new head of Auburn's Water Resources Center

Puneet Srivastava, an ecological engineering professor in Auburn University’s Department of Biosystems Engineering and the Butler-Cunningham Eminent Scholar on Agriculture and the Environment in the College of Agriculture, has taken the reins of the interdisciplinary...

Growing for good

story and video by NATHAN KELLY Food Bank Garden helps feed community The garden was founded almost a decade ago by Beth Guertal, a professor of agronomy. According to Zack Ogles, a Ph.D. student studying under Guertal, the garden’s purpose then—and now—is to feed the...
College of Agriculture, Cuba sign academic exchange treaty

College of Agriculture, Cuba sign academic exchange treaty

AUBURN, Ala.—Less than six months after the U.S. announced plans to restore diplomatic and economic ties with Cuba, the Auburn University College of Agriculture has entered a historic partnership with the Agrarian University of Havana and the Cuban National Center for...
Srivastava new head of Auburn's Water Resources Center

To market, to market

by NATHAN KELLY One of the best kept secrets of summer barbecues in Auburn is at the corner of Wire Road and Shug Jordan Parkway: the Auburn University Lambert-Powell Meats Laboratory. For students majoring in animal sciences, the meats lab is a place to learn,...

Cures for what ails you

by JAMIE CREAMER What began in 2006 as a small-scale study to determine whether medicinal herbs had potential as a profitable alternative crop for Alabama growers is now a 4,200-square-foot garden boasting more than 60 species and varieties of plants that humans...