Entomology & Plant Pathology Articles


Liu listed in top 2% of world’s entomologists

An endowed professor in the Auburn University College of Agriculture is listed as among the world’s top 2% of entomologists in a database announced recently by Stanford University. “This recognition is a testimony to the impact our research has had on the broader...

Agricultural grants boost research funding, equipment purchases

Agricultural grants boost research funding, equipment purchases

One of several grants offered through the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station (AAES) research program for the current fiscal year will allow for the continuation of groundbreaking research originally established at Auburn University that focuses on using beneficial bacteria for promoting plant growth, plant health, nutrient uptake and insect pest prevention.

AAES research working to minimize nematode losses in Alabama crops

Farmers have a hard enough time battling the pests they can see. The ones they can’t see — like plant parasitic nematodes — present another challenge altogether. These worm-like, sometimes microscopic animals are major agricultural pathogens that attack Alabama crop...