Departments Articles


Agriculture faculty, students receive recent awards

Several faculty and students in the College of Agriculture at Auburn University recently received national awards and recognitions. Read some highlights below. Beckmann receives NSF Career Award John Beckmann, assistant professor of medical-veterinary entomology and...

Peanut breeding making strides

Auburn University’s peanut breeding program is still in its infancy by most standards. It was begun in 2012, compared to similar programs at the University of Florida and University of Georgia that were begun in 1928 and 1938, respectively. And plant breeding, by its...

Peanut breeding making strides

Peanut breeding making strides

The Auburn University peanut breeding program has made significant strides in a surprisingly short amount of time, with one of its varietal releases now commanding 40-50% of the peanut acreage in Alabama.

Peanut breeding making strides

Auburn University’s peanut breeding program is still in its infancy by most standards. It was begun in 2012, compared to similar programs at the University of Florida and University of Georgia that were begun in 1928 and 1938, respectively. And plant breeding, by its...