by Jamie Creamer | Sep 30, 2016 | AAES Administration, Ag Land & Resource Management, COA Administration, Poultry Science
Poultry-based small plates prepared by a dozen of the area’s top chefs and beverages produced by 10 of Alabama’s finest breweries, wineries and distilleries are on tap for local residents who attend Birds and Brews, a fall social and scholarship fundraiser set for...
by Jamie Creamer | Sep 29, 2016 | Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology, COA Administration
Jayson Lusk, an Oklahoma State University food and agricultural economist whose research focuses on what we eat and why we eat it, will deliver the 2016 E.T. York Distinguished Lecture, titled “The Future of Food,” Tuesday, Oct. 11, at the Auburn Alumni Center on...
by Jamie Creamer | Sep 21, 2016 | AAES Administration, Ag Land & Resource Management, Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, COA Administration, Development
Auburn University’s Ag Heritage Park is the place to be on homecoming Saturday, Oct. 1, as the Auburn Agricultural Alumni Association and the College of Agriculture present the 2016 Fall Roundup and Taste of Alabama Agriculture. A homecoming pregame tradition, Ag...
by Mary Catherine Gaston | Sep 5, 2016 | Entomology & Plant Pathology
by JAMIE CREAMER The location selected for this year’s grand UN World Food Day celebration in Kenya’s southernmost county of Kwale just goes to show, you never know who’s watching. The site is a 10-acre family farm in the destitute coastal village of Mabafweni. But...
by Mary Catherine Gaston | Aug 1, 2016 | Biosystems Engineering
by MARY CATHERINE GASTON The first time Joe McGee journeyed from his hometown of Eutaw, Alabama, near the state’s western border, to Alabama Polytechnic Institute in Auburn, he hitchhiked to get there. It worked out so well for him that the agricultural engineering...
by Mary Catherine Gaston | Jul 1, 2016 | COA Communications
by MARY CATHERINE GASTON If you’ve ever wondered what’s become of some of the outstanding College of Ag students we’ve written about in the past, today is your lucky day. That’s because we’re going to catch up with two young alumni we introduced you to back in 2014,...
by Mary Catherine Gaston | Jun 6, 2016 | Animal Sciences
Animal sciences alumna emulates mentor in job at Virginia Tech meat lab by JAMIE CREAMER Jordan Wicks’ eureka moment came one Sunday afternoon in 2008, on a road in Carbondale, Illinois. Wicks, a Southern Illinois University sophomore who had yet to decide on a major,...