Auburn crop, soil and environmental sciences professor Beth Guertal, left, demonstrates the how-tos of eating steamed, locally grown edamame to one of the more than 2,600 folks who attended the 2015 Ag Roundup at Ag Heritage Park on the Auburn campus. This year’s Ag Roundup—an Auburn homecoming tradition that’s in its 37th year— is set for Saturday, Oct. 1, from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Ag Heritage Park.
Auburn University’s Ag Heritage Park is the place to be on homecoming Saturday, Oct. 1, as the Auburn Agricultural Alumni Association and the College of Agriculture present the 2016 Fall Roundup and Taste of Alabama Agriculture. A homecoming pregame tradition, Ag Roundup will open at 10 a.m. and wrap up at 1:30 p.m., an hour before kickoff of the Auburn–Louisiana Monroe football game.
This is the 37th year that the alumni group and the college have co-sponsored Ag Roundup, with the goal of increasing the public’s awareness and understanding of agriculture and its major impact on Alabama’s economy.
Arguably the biggest game-day tailgate party on the Auburn campus, Ag Roundup offers samples of a multitude of Alabama-grown and/or -processed food products, from bacon-wrapped pork tenderloin and fried catfish to steamed edamame and collards greens.
In addition to food, Ag Roundup features children’s activities, informative displays and silent and live auctions that raise money for College of Agriculture scholarships. Last year’s Roundup drew more than 2,600 football fans and area residents and raised a record $28,850 for scholarships.
Admission to Ag Roundup is $5 per person, payable at the gate, with children 6 and under admitted free. Activities will be set up on the South Donahue Drive side of Ag Heritage Park, with the main entrance located between the Alabama Farmers Pavilion and the Ham Wilson Livestock Arena.
Corporate sponsors for 2016 include John Deere, SunSouth LLC, TriGreen Equipment and Milo’s Tea Co.
For more Ag Roundup information, contact Luke Knight at wlk0006@auburn.edu.
Ag Heritage Park is on South Donahue Drive, between Lem Morrison Drive and West Samford Avenue.
The closest free parking to Ag Roundup will be two lots on Lem Morrison Drive, diagonally across from Ag Heritage Park. On the Game Day Map that can be found on the Auburn Game Day website, the parking lots are CO(S8), color coded in brown. The lots will open at 8 a.m. Oct. 1.