Prayerful pursuit

No tall tale

by MARY CATHERINE GASTON It sounds like a fun campfire game: Choose five words at random from a hat, and tell a story using all five. Your words: sailing, rubber, drone, engineer, Guatemala. What story would you tell? If you’re Christian Brodbeck, a research engineer...
Prayerful pursuit

With a passion

Kenya native helping others reach their potential by JAMIE CREAMER Please excuse the use of an overworked adjective, but there’s just no other way to describe Esther Ngumbi: The woman is passionate. She’s passionate about life, about giving back, about inspiring...
Prayerful pursuit


Agronomy grad, professor take soil judging to the global stage by JAMIE CREAMER Here’s the situation Kristen Pegues finds herself in right now: She’s 5,300 miles from home, in a field somewhere northeast of Budapest, and life is the pits. Not the pits, as in terrible;...
Prayerful pursuit

Back to the grind

by JAMIE CREAMER Auburn study zeroes in on salmonella in ground poultry If the two-year salmonella study that Auburn University poultry scientist Ken Macklin launched in January were a sentence, you’d need two sheets of notebook paper to diagram it. It’s that complex....