by Paul Hollis | Jun 6, 2017 | AAES Administration, COA Administration
AUBURN, Ala.—Auburn University associate professor Bill Daniels has been named acting director of global programs for the College of Agriculture, effective June 1, Associate Dean for Research and Associate Director, AAES, Henry Fadamiro has announced. “Agriculture is...
by Mary Catherine Gaston | Nov 7, 2016 | Uncategorized
AUBURN, Ala.—With the goal of promoting collaboration in aquaculture and environmental science research and education, Auburn University and Ocean University of China have established the OUC–AU Joint Center for Aquaculture and Environmental Sciences. The joint center...
by Jamie Creamer | Sep 29, 2016 | Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology, COA Administration
Jayson Lusk, an Oklahoma State University food and agricultural economist whose research focuses on what we eat and why we eat it, will deliver the 2016 E.T. York Distinguished Lecture, titled “The Future of Food,” Tuesday, Oct. 11, at the Auburn Alumni Center on...
by Mary Catherine Gaston | Aug 1, 2016 | Entomology & Plant Pathology
by MARY CATHERINE GASTON Meet Caixing Xiong, seemingly typical Auburn student. Her favorite building on campus is the Student Rec Center. She loves Auburn football and adores Cam Newton. If you passed her on the Haley Concourse, you’d never know that, in fact, she is...
by Mary Catherine Gaston | Jul 4, 2016 | Crop, Soil & Environmental Sciences
Maymester Abroad a peak of excellence in veteran professor’s career by JAMIE CREAMER In the pre-dawn hours of May 10, 2016, David Weaver and nine Auburn agriculture students flew out of Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport for a trip halfway around the...
by Jamie Creamer | May 24, 2016 | AAES Administration, Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, COA Administration, Crop, Soil & Environmental Sciences, Entomology & Plant Pathology, Poultry Science
AUBURN, Ala.— Six research projects that aim to encourage and advance academic collaborations between Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station researchers at Auburn University and scientists at Cuban agricultural universities and research centers are underway, funded...
by Mary Catherine Gaston | Feb 1, 2016 | Animal Sciences
by MARY CATHERINE GASTON For poultry science senior John Allen Nichols, a trip to China this summer will be a first. While it won’t be the first time the Trussville native has traveled internationally, it will be his first as an ambassador. As president of the Auburn...