Graduation marshal Rachel Robinson sets sights on vet school

Rachel Robinson dons her honors tassels and smiles for a picture on the Auburn campus

Auburn University Marching Band member Rachel Robinson has one more march to make.

The animal sciences (pre-vet) major is the student marshal for the College of Agriculture at the 2024 winter commencement ceremony on Saturday, Dec. 14.

Robinson’s time as an undergraduate student at Auburn has been marked by involvement in several clubs and organizations. In addition to playing the flute in the band, she is a member of the Collegiate Horseman’s Association, Peer Mentors, and the Pre-Veterinary Medical Association. She’s worked as a veterinary assistant for the Auburn Veterinary Hospital, volunteered for two other veterinary hospitals, and gained research experience in the Dozier/Rochell Lab in the Department of Poultry Science and the Auburn University Beef Teaching Center.

“I chose my major because I knew the College of Agriculture had resources that would help me expand my knowledge on a variety of topics and provide hands-on labs that challenged me to think critically about course content,” she said. “With dedicated and passionate faculty, I always felt a sense of belonging in the College of Agriculture and knew I had a network of mentors supporting me every step of the way.”

In the Beef Teaching Center, Robinson helped with an exploratory ectoparasite study with heifers under the guidance of Associate Professor Terry Brandebourg. In the Poultry Science Department, she assisted in several trials at the Charles C. Miller Jr. Poultry Research and Education Center, from the placement of chicks to processing, which would vary from trial to trial.

She was the recipient of several competitive scholarships, including the R. Wayne and Nadine McElrath Endowed Scholarship, the William F. Ward Endowed Scholarship and the College of Agriculture Annual Scholarship. She was also one of nine students selected to participate in the Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine Summer Veterinary Intensive Program. She spent a week collaborating with faculty and current vet med students, gaining experience while promoting diversity in the veterinary profession.

Robinson hopes her varied experiences in the college will help her with what comes next.

“Immediately after graduation, I plan to stay in Auburn and continue working in the research lab where I worked during undergrad,” she said. “During this time, I will also be waiting for vet school admission decisions to be released. I hope to begin vet school in the fall of 2025.”

She’ll take with her the knowledge and experience gained in the college and four years of cherished memories from the band.

“The highlight of my time at Auburn has been being a member of the Auburn University Marching Band,” she said. “Growing up, I watched the AUMB perform at Band-O-Rama and football games, so becoming a member was a great achievement. Jogging out of the tunnel to the roar of Jordan-Hare Stadium for the first time was a full-circle moment for me.”

The faculty and staff of the College of Agriculture are proud of Robinson and the entire class of 2024 and wish them well in their future endeavors.




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Dec 12, 2024 | Animal Sciences, Feature

<p><a href="" target="_self">Kristen Bowman</a></p>

Kristen Bowman

Kristen Bowman is a communications and marketing specialist with the College of Agriculture. She received her bachelor's degree in journalism from Auburn University and loves reading and spending time with her husband and three children.

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