Rishi Prasad
Associate Professor & Extension Specialist (Nutrient Management)
Animal Sciences / Crop, Soil & Environmental Sciences
(334) 844-3922
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260 Funchess Hall
Auburn Univ, AL 36849
- Ph.D., University of Florida (Major: Soil and Water Science; Minor Agronomy) (2014)
- M.S., West Virginia University (Agronomy) (2010)
- B.S., G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, India (Agricultural Sciences) (2007)
- Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist-Animal Systems Environmental Specialist, Auburn University (2017-present)
- Postdoctoral Research Scholar, (USDA/Pennsylvania State University) (2016-2017)
- Crop Nutrition & Systems Modelling Scientist, FarmLogs (Ann Arbor, MI) (2015-2016)
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, Agronomy Department, Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Florida (2014-2015)
- Graduate Research Assistant, Soil and Water Sciences Department, University of Florida (2010-2014)
- Graduate Research Assistant, Division of Plant and Soil Sciences, West Virginia University (2007-2010)
- U.S. Patent 9,652,840, System and method for remote nitrogen monitoring and prescription (2017)
- Best Oral Presentation Award, 14th Annual Soil and Water Science Research Forum, University of Florida (2013)
- William Robertson Fellowship, Department of Soil and Water Sciences, University of Florida (2012)
- Best Poster Award, 13th Annual Soil and Water Science Research Forum, University of Florida (2012)
- Best Poster Award, S04/S08 Division, ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, San Antonio (2011)
- Best Poster Award, S04/S08 Division, ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh (2009)
- National Talent Scholarship, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (2003)
- American Society of Agronomy (ASA)
- Crop Science Society of America (CSA)
- Soil Science Society of America (SSSA)
My research uses a systems approach to solve environmental problems related to crop-livestock production systems. I believe in connecting the dots between different disciplines in agricultural sciences and deliver the research result to farmers, stake holders, policymakers and the general public and improve their quality of life and economic well-being. I conduct applied research in areas of:
- Whole farm nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) balance.
- Development of best management practices for nutrients (N and P) in crop and animal systems aimed to protect the water, soil and air quality.
- Variable rate manure and fertilizer (N and P) prescription technology for crops.
- Manure mineralization and 4Rs (right rate, right source, right time and right placement).
- Greenhouse gas, ammonia and volatile organic compounds (VOC) reduction from animal-crop systems.
- Climate change and climate smart agriculture through use of existing animal and crop models such as IFSM, DSSAT, APSIM.
- Decision support tools to increase the resiliency of beef and poultry production systems in response to climate change.
My extension interests and program goals revolve around the ambit of agricultural sustainability and environmental quality. Helping farmers to practice science based agriculture is my top priority. I am very enthusiastic to solve problems related to nutrient management in crop and animal production systems. As a researcher and an educator I methodically acquire, assess, and transmit robust scientific knowledge through traditional and non-traditional media such as timely extension articles, webinars, social media, and demonstration through field days and tours. One of my extension agenda is to build farm network where farmers can participate and share the results of their “On–Farm” research with fellow farmers and get benefited mutually.
- Wang, Q., R. Prasad, B. T. Higgins. 2019. Aerobic bacterial pretreatment to overcome algal growth inhibition on high-strength anaerobic digestates. Water Research.
- Gunn, K., M. A. Holly, T. L. Veith, A.R. Buda, R. Prasad, C. A. Rotz, K. J. Soder, A.M. K. Stoner. 2019. Projected heat stress challenges and abatement opportunities for US milk production. PLOS ONE.
- Chaump, K., M. Preisser, S.R. Shanmugam, R. Prasad, S. Adhikari, B. T. Higgins. 2018. Leaching and anaerobic digestion of poultry litter for biogas production and nutrient transformation. Waste Management.
- Prasad, R., K. Gunn, C.A. Rotz, H. Karsten, G. Roth, A. Buda, A.N.M.K Stoner. 2018. Projected climate and agronomic implications for corn production in the Northeastern United States. PLOS ONE.
- Raymundo, R., S. Asseng, R. Prasad, U. Kleinwechter, B. Condori, W. Bowen, J. Wolf, J. E Olesen, Q. Dong, L. Zotarelli, M. Gastelo, A. Alva, M. Travasso, and V. Arora. 2018. Global field experiments for potato simulations. Open Data Journal for Agricultural Research.
- Prasad, R., and G. Hochmuth. 2016. Environmental nitrogen losses from commercial crop production system in the Suwannee river basin of Florida. PLOS ONE.
- Jin, Z. N., R. Prasad, J. Shriver, Q. Zhuang. 2016. Crop model and satellite imagery based recommendation tool for variable rate N fertilizer application for the US corn system. Precision Agriculture.
- Raymundo, R., S. Asseng, R. Prasad, et al. 2016. Performance of SUSTOR-potato model across contrasting growing conditions. Field Crop Research.
- Prasad, R., G. Hochmuth and K.J. Boote. 2015. Estimation of nitrogen pools in irrigated potato production on sandy soil using model SUBSTOR. PLOS ONE.
- Chintala, R., G. Djira, M. Devkota, R. Prasad, and S. Kumar. 2014. Modeling the effect of temperature and precipitation on crop residue potential for the North Central Region of the United States. Agricultural Research.
- Prasad R and K. Stanford. 2019. Nutrient content and composition of poultry litter. ANR2522. Alabama Cooperative Extension System.
- Prasad R and D. Chakraborty. 2019. Phosphorus basics: Understanding phosphorus forms and their cycling in the soil. ANR 2535. Alabama Cooperative Extension System.
- Prasad R and K. Stanford. 2018. Environmental stewardship in beef cattle production. In Alabama Beef Hand Book. ANR1323. Alabama Cooperative Extension System.
- Prasad R and K. Stanford. 2018. Factors affecting the nutrient content and composition of poultry litter. Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences Nutrient Management Series Dec 2018. Alabama Cooperative Extension System.
- Prasad R and K. Stanford. 2018. Evaluating the phosphorus status of soil and the 590 phosphorus application criterion. Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences Nutrient Management Series Dec 2018. Alabama Cooperative Extension System.
- Prasad, R., and G. Hochmuth. 2015. Understanding nitrogen release from anaerobically digested beef cattle manure.SL 424.
- Prasad. R., and G. Hochmuth. 2015. Understanding nitrogen transformations and cycling for sweet corn production in sandy soils. SL430.
- Prasad, R., G. Hochmuth and A.C. Wilkie. 2014. Anaerobic digesters for manure management for livestock operations. SL402.
- Prasad, R., and G. Hochmuth. 2013. How to calculate a partial nitrogen mass budget for potato. SL401.