Sneaky Crow Farm and at least 15 other vendors are scheduled to be on hand at the May 11 Market at Ag Heritage Park, which will be open from 3 to 6 p.m. The entrance is on South Donahue Drive, near the West Samford Avenue intersection.
The Market at Ag Heritage Park kicks off its 2017 season Thursday, May 11, from 3 to 6 p.m. on the Auburn University campus and will be open every Thursday, same time and place, through Aug. 24.
The weekly farmers market is held on the grounds of Ag Heritage Park’s Edward L. Lowder Red Barn and Farm Implement Museum, 580-B South Donahue Drive. The entrance is on Donahue, near the South Donahue and West Samford Avenue intersection.
“We’ll have sail banners marking the entrance,” Market manager David Lawrence said. “Just follow the gravel drive to the parking area and The Market.”
Now in its 13th season, the open-air farmers market features local growers and entrepreneurs selling fresh fruits and vegetables and a variety of other local products that range from fried apple pies to goat cheeses and soaps.
Throughout each growing season since 2004, The Market at Ag Heritage Park has offered the public a place to buy local, fresh-from-the-farm produce directly from the farmers who grew it. The Market is held rain or shine except in cases where severe weather endangers vendors and customers. The 2017 season was scheduled to open May 4 but was canceled because of potentially severe weather during the afternoon.
The Market is sponsored by the Auburn University College of Agriculture in partnership with the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station.
For more about the 2017 Market at Ag Heritage Park, including a list of the vendors who will be on hand each week, visit the website or contact Lawrence at lawreda@auburn.edu or 334-740-1667.