Auburn University is joining forces with STRI Group, the world’s leading sports turf consultancy, to initiate research and development programs throughout the U.S. sports surface market. Pictured, from left, are Auburn Professor Scott McElroy, STRI Group Director Lee Penrose and STRI Group CEO Mark Godfrey.
Auburn University is joining forces with the world’s leading sports turf consultancy to initiate research and development programs throughout the U.S. sports surface market.
The agreement with the STRI Group will focus primarily on expanding the U.S. soccer industry, as well as conducting surfaces research in other sports including golf, football, baseball and equestrian.
The collaboration aims to further enhance Auburn’s existing turfgrass and sports turf research facility, helping it become a center of excellence for innovations and emerging technologies in sports turf. AU will showcase cutting edge techniques and technologies such as grow-lights, water management and reinforced turf systems.
“Working with STRI is a great opportunity to not only grow our research program at Auburn, but to also greatly enhance the educational content, internship experiences and job opportunities for our students,” said Scott McElroy professor in the College of Agriculture’s Department of Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences.
Over the past five years, STRI has reinforced its position as a market leader in the sports surface industry. With its collaboration with Auburn, STRI secures a permanent presence on four continents, with further significant investments being made at its facilities in Australia, the United Kingdom and Qatar.
“STRI is thrilled to collaborate with such a forward thinking and well-respected university,” said Lee Penrose, STRI Group Director. “Together, our organizations will create the leading sports turf facility in the U.S., demonstrating the latest in international thinking.”