Our Work Seminars
The Our Work Seminars are a series produced each fall and spring semester to feature a variety of College of Agriculture alumni, academic and research programs, industry opportunities and more. The series is designed to help acquaint students with the vast opportunities that exist for them in the agricultural industry.
Learn how Auburn Agriculture is conducting innovative research to help produce the better peanut in this edition of the Our Work Seminar series
Equine Science
Learn how the Animal Sciences department at Auburn University is equipping students with hands on experience to enter the industry.
Cotton (Series 2)
From the field, to the gin, to the fabric, learn more about how local farmers are producing quality cotton products.
Bees (Series 2)
In this video, we talk to the AU-BEES Lab and the East Alabama Bee Company to learn more about the bee colony and how bees impact agriculture.
Cotton (Series 1)
Check out the science behind cotton with these unique crops cultivated by the College of Agriculture that is used globally.
Precision Agriculture (Series 2)
Learn about how our Biosystems Engineering and Crop, Soil & Environment Departments are integrating drone technologies in precsision agriculture.
Precision Agriculture (Series 1)
What is Precision Agriculture? Find out what our Crop, Soil & Environment Department is doing with Precision Ag as well as how local companies are incorporating these technologies across the state.
AU Bee Lab (Series 1)
See what all the “buzz” is about at Auburn University’s Bee Lab. Learn about the lab’s research and more, including a feature with East Alabama Bee Company.
Poarch Processing Plant
Learn now one Alabama farm is making a major economic impact on its community and beyond.
Environmental Science
Meet alumni who are using their careers to make our communities and industries a little more green.
Harvest for Health
Talking about Harvest for Health program with the Alabama Cooperative Extension System.
D&F and the Miller Poultry Center
Gain an in-depth look at the poultry industry through visits to D&F Equipment and Auburn University’s Miller Poultry Research and Education Center.
Five Point Farms and Petals From the Past
Enjoy a horticultural tour of two Alabama operations: Five Point Farms vineyard and Petals From the Past gardens and nursery.
Oyster Farming and Industry
Visit Alabama’s coastal farms and see how oysters go from farm to table.
Oyster Research and Biology
Travel to the Alabama gulf coast and the Auburn University Shellfish Lab to explore oyster research, biology and conservation.
Gulf Shores Mayor Robert Craft
Meet Robert Craft, mayor of Gulf Shores, Alabama, and alumnus of our Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, as he discusses turf farming, golf course construction and management, city politics and more.
The HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology
See how Auburn University geneticists at the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology are using genomic methods and technologies to improve agricultural crops for Alabama farms.
Vertical Farming
Explore Auburn University’s vertical farms, which house some of the most high-tech, innovative fruit and vegetable growing methods on the planet.
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