Ph.D. in
Applied Economics
As of June 2023, Applied Economics Ph.D. now has a STEM CIP code (45.0603 replaces 45.0602).
Building better businesses
The doctoral program in applied economics focuses on the applications of economic theory and econometrics to resolve problems concerning agricultural endeavors.
The Ph.D. graduate degree program includes faculty from the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology as well as the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences and the College of Liberal Arts’ Department of Economics.
Our doctoral program prepares students for leadership careers in government, private industry and education.
Areas of Specialization
- Applied Market Analysis
- Applied Production Economics
- International Economics
- Natural Resource & Environmental Economics
- Consumer and Demand Analysis
Doctoral PROGRam
The information below is a brief description of the Doctoral program in Applied Economics (Agriculture) offered by our department.
The Ph.D. in applied economics leaves graduates well-versed in subjects including applied production economics, demand analysis, international economics, resource and environmental economics, to name a few.
There is an oral exam in the field of specialization and proposed dissertation topic plus final oral dissertation defense.
Requirements for a Ph.D. include a minimum of 60 semester hours of graduate credit beyond the baccalaureate. In the first year, students take two semesters of microeconomics and econometrics, one semester of macroeconomics, mathematical economics, and research methods, and a special topics course on writing for scholarly journals that serves as the basis for the Ph.D. research paper that is due at the beginning of the second year of coursework.
In the second year, students take two semesters of advanced micro-econometrics along with other core courses and complete their Ph.D. research paper. Upon completion of the paper, the student schedules an oral preliminary examination, which lays the groundwork for the dissertation.
The third year is devoted to completing required core courses and the dissertation. The dissertation typically consists of the Ph.D. research paper and two essays. The dissertation is defended at the final oral examination, which constitutes the final requirement for the Ph.D.
Graduate Degree Documents
For more information in detail please reference these graudate degree documents regarding our Ph.D. in Applied Economics.
AERS Graduate Handbook (PDF)
Graduate Degrees & Programs
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312 Comer Hall
Auburn Univ, AL 36849