Report A Tagged Fish
Auburn Marine Fish Lab TAG EXAMPLES & LOCATION
In recent years 2008 to 2021, Auburn University Marine Fish Lab (Fairhope, AL) has been tagging red snapper and gray triggerfish with blue external tags and white external tags and some shark species with orange external tags in the Gulf of Mexico.
Older tags may not have any information on the outside and just have a thin wire sticking out of the fish. However, we still can get the fish information from the internal disk that is attached to the wire, thus please keep you eye out for a single wire sticking out of larger red snapper.
All tags display 251-990-4858, and a 4-digit tag number written on the side of them. Tags can be located in both the back and belly of the fish.
Auburn Marine Fish Lab Tag REWARD INFORMATION
We are providing a $50 reward for the return of an Auburn University fish tag. For fish tagged in the belly, we need the fish carcass and internal and external tags. Some of these belly-tagged fish also have an internal transmitter that we need to get back. To receive the reward, you may keep the fillets, but we need the carcass. Please attempt to keep the external tag attached to the fish.
If the fish has a white tag located in the back of the fish, we offer a $50 reward for the return of the tag, but we do not need the fish carcass. Some of these fish with white tags will also have an external transmitter attached on the top of the fish that we need to get back.
Please call the Auburn University Marine Fish Lab in Fairhope, AL at:(251-990-4858). We will schedule a time for someone to come pick up the fish carcass and tag.
We do not give out rewards for red snapper tagged in the back with yellow tags or for fish tagged by other researchers for fish caught out of season. We will still give out rewards for fish caught by commercial fishers that have quotas any time of the year.
The Auburn Marine Fish Lab research tags marine fish with blue internal anchor tags in the belly and white tags in the back. If your yellow fish tag is located in the back, please contact the Quantitative Fisheries Lab.
WHAT SHOULD YOU DO IF YOU CAUGHT AN AUBURN TAGGED Red Snapper, Gray Triggerfish, or Shark?
Step 1 - What to keep
If the fish has a blue belly or back tag please keep the fish carcass, external and internal tags. The carcass and external tag are required to receive the $150 reward. If the fish has a white back tag, just keep the tag.
Step 2 - Who do I call?
Contact Auburn University Marine Fish Lab, Fairhope, AL: phone (251- 990–4858) so we can schedule a pick up of the fish carcass and tags.
Step 3 - A few details
Provide AU with as much information as possible about the captured fish, such as when, private boat, charter boat or commercial vessel, and if possible locations.
We understand fishers not wanting to reveal their private hot spots and not giving up the exact location will not affect your reward. We are most interested in the residency, growth rates and movements of the tagged fish.
Step 4 - Tagged Fish Reward
Once AU staff have confirmed that you have recaptured one of our fish, fill out the AU vendor form (required to receive the reward). Located at: AU Business and Finance Payment.
Your reward will be mailed to the address that you provide within 4 to 8 weeks, if you have not received your reward please call the Auburn University Marine Fish lab.