Funding Support

Students and faculty in the College of Agriculture have a variety of funding options for their travel experiences that are offered from both internal and external sources. Follow the links below for more information about funding opportunities.

Student Financial Aid for Study Abroad

Graduate and undergraduate students looking for financial support for their study abroad and international experiences have access to a variety of resources.


NAFSA provides information and a listing of potential sources of funding for international study from sources outside the university.

The U.S. State Department has a number of grant programs to support study abroad and faculty organizing such programs. Proposals are large due in May and June of each year.

Hagan Scholars Foundation – Study Abroad Award for eligible recipients.

The U.S. Department of State’s Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship is a grant program that enables students of limited financial means to study or intern abroad, thereby gaining skills critical to our national security and economic competitiveness.

The Gilman Scholarship Program is open to U.S. citizen undergraduate students who are receiving Federal Pell Grant funding at a two-year or four-year college or university to participate in study and intern abroad programs worldwide.


The Stallworth AU International Program provides an array of possibilities for undergraduate students to organize independent experiences or study programs. The Torbert fund has parallel objectives to support undergraduate experience abroad.

The Orr Foundation supports study abroad and student trips for horticulture students.

The York International Scholars Program supports internships and other individualized experiences for graduate students, as well as international activities for teaching, research and extension faculty in less-developed countries.



Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), also known as the Gates Foundation, is a private foundation founded by Bill and Melinda Gates. It was launched in 2000 and is said to be the largest private foundation in the US, holding $38 billion in assets. The primary aims of the foundation are, globally, to enhance healthcare and reduce extreme poverty, and in America, to expand educational opportunities and access to information technology.



The National Science Foundation and the Gates Foundation support the BREAD Program to foster innovative scientific research designed to address key constraints to smallholder agriculture in the developing world. A significant distinction between Basic Research to Encourage Agricultural Development and other NSF programs is that proposals to BREAD must make a clear and well-defined connection between the outcomes of the proposed research and its direct relevance and potential application to agriculture in the developing world. The Program’s focus is on novel, transformative research at the proof-of-concept stage rather than its application or development. Especially encouraged are original proposals that address major constraints to the productivity of crops important to smallholder farmers, or on the development of novel and efficient production practices. Although the Program places an initial emphasis on crop improvement, it will also consider innovative research proposals from scientists in all fields of research and engineering as long as the proposed research is consistent with the Program objectives. Proposals are also expected to address project outcomes in the context of broader societal impacts, and as appropriate to the research proposed, engage international partners in scientific collaborations.



Established in 1946, the Fulbright Program aims to increase mutual understanding between the peoples of the United State and other countries through the exchange of persons, knowledge and skills.





Higher Education Challenge Grants are offered by USDA to strengthen institutional capacities to respond to identified State, regional, national or international educational needs to formulate and administer programs to enhance college and university teaching in agriculture, natural resources, forestry, veterinary medicine, human and family and consumer sciences, disciplines closely allied to the food and agricultural system, and rural economic, community and business development.



The USEPA International Programs page links to various funding opportunities.



The objective of the International Research Fellowship Program (IRFP) is to introduce scientists and engineers in the early stages of their careers to international collaborative research opportunities, thereby furthering their research capacity and global perspective and forging long-term relationships with scientists, technologists and engineers abroad. These awards are available in any field of science and engineering research and education supported by NSF.



The NIH Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences can be a source of funding. It is important to discuss your project with a program officer before submission.



Terra Viva Grants provides a database of funding opportunities for grant seekers. This online listing of diverse international grant opportunities for agriculture, energy, environment and natural resources includes a helpful database for searching updated opportunities. They also provide monthly updates of grant opportunities.



USAID competes the vast majority of its programs. To ensure competition, USAID issues solicitations asking organizations to respond. USAID selects the organization whose response best meets the evaluation criteria outlined in the solicitation.




Feed the Future Innovation Labs draw on the expertise of top U.S. universities and developing country research institutions to tackle some of the world’s greatest challenges in agriculture and food security. Led by U.S. universities, Feed the Future Innovation Labs are central to advancing novel solutions that support our goals to reduce global hunger, poverty and undernutrition.

See also the page on extramural funding sources, which expands on some of the material above.



The Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) is the foreign affairs agency with primary responsibility for the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) overseas programs—market development, international trade agreements and negotiations, and the collection of statistics and market information. It also administers the USDA’s export credit guarantee and food aid programs and helps increase income and food availability in developing nations by mobilizing expertise for agriculturally led economic growth. Our two highlighted programs are the Borlaug Fellowship Program and the Cochran Fellowship Program.



The U.S. State Department has a number of grant programs to support study abroad and faculty organizing such programs. Proposals are largely due in May and June of each year.



  • ACH — Automated Clearing House (Utilized by Treasury Department to wire payments)
  • COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT — An agreement in which the Federal Government provides funding or a thing of value authorized by public statute and the government plays a substantial role.
  • COST SHARING — That portion of a project or program costs not borne by the Federal Government.
  • GRANT — Agreement in which the Federal Government provides funding or a thing of value to support a public purpose authorized by public statute. The Government is not the recipient of the good or service and does not play a substantial role.
  • NEGOTIATED INDIRECT COST RATE AGREEMENT (NICRA) — A method of charging costs which can not be directly identified
  • Prior approval — Written approval by an authorized official evidencing prior consent.
  • SF-269 — Standard Form 269-used to prepare financial reports for a grant or cooperative agreement.
  • SF-270 — Standard Form 270-used to request advances or reimbursements for a grant or cooperative agreement.
  • SUBAWARD — An award of financial assistance in the form of money, or property in lieu of money, made under an award by a recipient to an eligible subrecipient or by a subrecipient to a lower tier subrecipient. The term includes financial assistance when provided by any legal agreement, even if the agreement is called a contract, but does not include procurement of goods and services nor does it include any form of assistance which is excluded from the definition of award.
  • SUBRECIPIENT — A legal entity to which a subaward is made and which is accountable to the recipient for the use of the funds provided.

York International Scholars Program

The College of Agriculture E.T. York International Scholars Program (ISP) seeks to further the international research, teaching and outreach programs of Auburn University. It seeks to foster faculty and graduate students exchanges of knowledge, technologies and experiences in agriculture, primarily in a development assistance context.

The program does not support travel to international conferences.

The ISP provides limited support to Auburn agriculture faculty and graduate students who wish to gain an understanding of working in foreign conditions, particularly where their research, specialized studies, teaching or outreach program could make a difference in the quality of life for local populations.

An important component of the program is to provide an international experience for individual faculty and graduate students with little or no previous travel outside the U.S.  By so doing, Auburn faculty and graduate students are better prepared to appreciate and deal with the global nature of agricultural issues in the world today.

We particularly encourage faculty travel with one or more U.S. graduate students to developing countries. The students may assist in the conduct of workshops, field work or data collection. They also may visit farms, facilities, universities and otherwise engage their subject-matter with the life of the developing country.

Offering an AU graduate course in a Maymester Abroad format (intensive instruction and field visits for three to four weeks) at an institution in a developing country is a type of project that is particularly encouraged. Typically such projects involve cost-sharing by the students, the host institution and the ISP program. The host institution’s students can take the AU course and receive credit from their university.


Selection of award recipients will be based on available resources and criteria developed by a committee of faculty organized by the College of Agriculture.  Funding normally is provided only for travel and subsistence costs while abroad, though in some cases other expenses associated with the activity may be requested and justified in the proposal.

Proposals are evaluated on scientific and scholarly merit. Applicants are expected to provide realistic estimates of costs and final awards are typically negotiated with the applicant.  Cost-sharing by collaborating foreign or domestic institutions to support proposed activities is desirable, although not required.

Awards will be made according to estimates of need and normally will not exceed $5,000.  Group projects (e.g., Maymester classes, study tours) may exceed this total with a more modest amount per participant. The maximum duration of funding will be four months or a semester.  Additional justification must be made for longer project periods. Please use the “Other Locations” federal per diem rates to budget your hotel and meal costs, but reimbursement will be made on actual hotel costs.

Proposals are typically reviewed in batches based on September 5, November 5 and February 5 submission deadlines.  The committee will promptly review ISP proposals and make awards.


The research/study/teaching/outreach program must be carried out in collaboration with a counterpart university or research/study/ teaching/outreach center, with priority given to organizations in developing nations.

Priority is given to projects in low or lower-middle income countries. For projects in other locales, justification must be provided in the proposal narrative, e.g., how the project will take place in a less-developed, agricultural area of a middle-income nation.

Faculty in agriculture are eligible to apply for ISP awards.

Graduate students in agriculture who have completed at least a year of course work toward a master’s or doctoral degree are eligible to apply.

ISP proposals from previously funded ISP awardees will be considered, but must be well-justified. Faculty leading groups of students to developing countries are a focal interest of the program. Preference will be given to first-time applicants.

The York ISP program can support the costs for the faculty and graduate students in the first edition of a Maymester course. Subsequent offerings should reflect increasing cost-sharing of faculty travel by the CoA department, but continued support for graduate student participation can be provided by York ISP.


  • ISP proposals are submitted to the Office of Global Programs by email (a single PDF file) to
  • Click to view the suggested format for an ISP Request.
  • The Request for Funding includes:
    • project title
    • start and finish dates
    • objectives  – A short and concise statement of goals
    • description –  A 500-word or less project summary that briefly describes planned activities and the benefit to Auburn University
    • foreign institutional support
    • budget
  • All ISP proposals must include a letter of invitation/commitment from the foreign host institution or local sponsoring organization.
  • All ISP proposals submitted by graduate students must include a letter of recommendation from their academic adviser.
  • For research activities, appropriate Human Subjects (IRB) or Animal Use protocols must be submitted at time of proposal and approved prior to use of funds.
  • A brief resume (up to two pages) of the requestor must be included with the ISP proposal.
  • A brief resume of each project participant should also be included for study tours or courses taught abroad.


Successful applicants are expected to provide a seminar sharing their findings, project experiences and accomplishments during the semester following their trip.

ISP seminars are open to all interested faculty and students.


The E.T. and Vam York Endowed Fund for Excellence in International Agriculture supports international professional improvement activities for faculty and graduate students in the College of Agriculture by funding research, outreach, specialized studies, teaching or cooperative work experiences in developing countries.

A call for proposals is made three times a year.  Applications are due September 5, November 5, and February 5.

Applicants are asked to prepare a short description of their proposed activity, along with a budget, using a standard format. Proposals should be submitted to the Office of Global Programs which is located in 101 Comer Hall.

The program does not support travel to international conferences.

Submissions are reviewed for substantive merit and consistency with the intent of the program. Read the program guidelines by clicking the next toggle tab.

The application format is outlined below:

York International Scholars Program (ISP)Request for Funding

(block, copy, and past this page into your word processing document)

  1. Project Title:
  2. Proposal Submitted by: (name, title, department)
  3. Project Start Date:
  4. Project End Date:
  5. Project Objectives:
  6. Project Description (500 words):
  7. Itinerary:
  8. Budget (use template below):
  9. Budget Justification: (describe non-AU Support and/or Collaboration)
  10. Attach Letter of Commitment from Host Institution.
  11. Attach two-page Curriculum Vitae of applicant or leading faculty member.
  12. If project involves Human or Animal Subjects, indicate status of protocol (in preparation, submitted, or approved). Approval necessary for final funding.
  13. Maymester classes or study tours-provide list of students, degree, curriculums, year in program (students typically cover most of own food costs; program may cover some group meals, particularly with host institution colleagues):
  14. Please email your proposal to (Office of Global Programs, College of Agriculture) as a single PDF file by September 5, November 5 or February 5 (three review periods).
  15. Applicants will be notified within fifteen days after submission.
ISP Other AU Host Self
Airfare @ $ per ticket for N people
Ground transportation (airport taxi, bus, rail, etc.)
Lodging (use ‘other location’ rates)
Food (use ‘other location’ rates)
Equipment or vehicle rental:
Materials & supplies (if any):
Labor (e.g. data collection assistance):
Other costs (tour guide, driver, admission fees, no conference fees):
Total Amount Requested from ISP:



Global Programs

Traveler Resources

Funding Support

International Agriculture Seminars

Global Footprints & MOUs

Haiti Projects

Short-Term Housing Resources


Academic and Research Programs
Auburn Univ, AL 36849