College hosting live virtual tours through COVID-19 outbreak

Can't visit Auburn? Hand over a field of grass with play video icon overlay

By Joshua Woods / Mar 30, 2020 11:41:22 AM

While Auburn University’s College of Agriculture currently cannot host prospective students due to the COVID-19 outbreak, students are now visiting through live virtual tours and information sessions. Live visits are offered each Monday and Wednesday.

“Social distancing is crucial at this time, but students are still making college plans, and the campus visit is a vital part of those plans,” said Brandon Justice, student recruiter for the College of Agriculture. “These visits are live and interactive and as customized as possible to each student’s needs and interests.”

Student participants are given the options of an information session as well as tours of one of four college research facilities: the E.W. Shell Fisheries Center, the Equestrian Center, the Paterson Greenhouses, the Miller Poultry Research and Education Center and the Bees Lab.




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Mar 30, 2020 | News

<p><a href="" target="_self">Josh Woods</a></p>

Josh Woods

Josh Woods has served as director of communications and marketing for Auburn University’s College of Agriculture since 2013. He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in English and aspires to one day have a clean office.

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