Think agriculture isn’t for you? Think again. Every single human being on this planet is dependent on agriculture. There’s more to this industry than traditional farming, too, though it’s vital to each of our lives. Here are seven ways agriculture affects your everyday life. Chances are, you haven’t considered a few of them!

This one’s obvious, but easy to underestimate. You’re not just consuming food from a farm when you eat a salad, guys. Even the sweeteners in your energy drink came from agricultural products.

You’ll think about this one the next time you’re at the pump. Farmers play a huge role in creating sustainable fuel thanks to ethanol, a corn-derived oil used in gasoline. And a little-known fact: corn starch is also used in the production of tires.

Sleep on cotton sheets? You can thank a farmer for those. The same can be said for your blue jeans, leather belt and the wool coat keeping you warm this winter.

Think agriculture isn’t affecting you while you watch the Tigers play in the Auburn Arena or Jordan-Hare Stadium? Wrong. Agricultural expertise is required to maintain the turf on the field and to fabricate the hardwoods on a basketball court. And don’t forget footballs and baseballs are made of animal hides.

The Economy
It’s easy to underestimate the importance of the American agricultural industry to the U.S. economy. Agriculture-related industries contributed $1.109 trillion to the U.S. GDP in 2019, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. And in 2020, 19.7 million jobs were related to ag and food sectors.

Personal Care Products
Ever looked at the ingredients in your toothpaste? It contains sorbitol, a derivative of corn. Many cosmetics contain agricultural products, too. Corn derivatives are used in everything from lipsticks to powder as well as your shampoo and conditioner.

Avid reader? Or love a game night with friends? Your books, your deck of cards and your board games are all made of agricultural products. And the glass of wine or cold beer you might be drinking — if you’re over 21 — while you enjoy them? Yeah. You can thank a farmer for those, too.