Jensen named interim director of School of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences

AUBURN, Ala.—Longtime Auburn University faculty member and administrator John Jensen has been named interim director of the newly renamed School of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences, effective Sept. 1, College of Agriculture Dean Bill Batchelor has announced.

“The fisheries program at Auburn is the best in the world, and Dr. Jensen has been an integral part of that success over the years,” Batchelor said. “His track record of excellence as a professor, Extension specialist and administrative leader make him a natural fit for this role.”

Jensen will succeed David Rouse, who is retiring from 32 years on the Auburn faculty and 12 years as head of the Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures and, most recently, interim director of the School of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences. The Auburn Board of Trustees in June designated that department as a school to be led by a director.

Jensen’s past administrative positions at Auburn have included six years as head of the fisheries department and nearly three years as interim dean of the College of Agriculture and interim director of the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station. Though Jensen retired from Auburn in 2007, he has continued to serve the college in several capacities, including professor emeritus, visiting professor, co-director of the Aquaculture and Fisheries Business Institute and part-time development officer.

“The School of Fisheries is a world-class program, and we want to continue moving it forward and advancing even during this interim period,” Jensen said. “This is a great place, and we have a great faculty and staff. I pinch myself every day for having the opportunity to work here.”

Jensen came to Auburn as a research associate in 1972 and later served as a graduate research assistant, Extension fisheries specialist and professor before gaining departmental administrative duties in 1995. He holds a bachelor’s degree in fisheries and wildlife management from the University of Minnesota and master’s and Ph.D. degrees in fisheries and allied aquacultures from Auburn.


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<p><a href="" target="_self">William Cahalin</a></p>

William Cahalin

William "Bill" Cahalin is the application systems analyst / webmaster for Auburn's College of Ag Comm-Marketing & Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station. An alumnus of Belmont University in Nashville, his work spans the music industry, publishing, aerospace, and enjoys lavish cocktail garnishes.

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