Expert on ethics of scholarly publishing to deliver lecture Oct. 10

AUBURN, Ala. —The fall installment of the 2014 Auburn University Special Lecture Series will take place Friday, Oct. 10, at 11 a.m. in Langdon Hall and will feature Jeffrey Beall, an expert on scholarly publishing.

The lecture, entitled “Scholarly Publishing in Crisis: Predatory Publishers Threaten the Integrity of Research Communication,” is hosted by the Auburn University School of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences and the Office of the Provost. It is free, and all are welcome to attend.

Beall, an academic librarian and associate professor at the University of Colorado Denver’s Auraria Library, is known for his research on and opposition to predatory open-access publishing. On his blog, Scholarly Open Access, Beall maintains a list of questionable scholarly publishers and publications intended to help researchers avoid falling prey to the tactics of unethical or illegitimate organizations.

“Beall’s topic, ethics in journal publishing practices, affects all of us in higher education, regardless of discipline,” said Ash Bullard, associate professor in the School of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences and a coordinator of the lecture. “Graduate students entering the academic job market will find his lecture particularly useful.”

For more information on the lecture, contact Bullard at or 334-844-9278.


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<p><a href="" target="_self">Mary Catherine Gaston</a></p>

Mary Catherine Gaston

Mary Catherine Gaston is a freelance writer who specializes in agricultural and rural topics. She finds time to write in the midst of homeschooling two children and helping her husband Wes on their row crop and cattle farm near Plains, Georgia. MC holds degrees from Auburn University and Virginia Tech.

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