Hoyum named alumnus of the year

Photo of Raymond Hoyum

Photo of Dr. Raymond HoyumDr. Raymond A. Hoyum of Alpharetta, Ga., was honored as the Department of Crop, Soil and Environmental Science’s 2015 Alumnus of the Year at a ceremony April 16. Hoyum is a two-time graduate of the department, earning M.S. in agronomy in 1973 and his Ph.D. in agronomy in 1976. He earned his B.S. in soil science from the University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point.

Hoyum is an award-winning marketing executive with more than three decades of experience in the agricultural products industry. Since 2007, he has served as president of Advantage International in Alpharetta, directing agricultural marketing programs and communications while providing agronomic technical support for domestic and international clients.

Hoyum had previously served as vice president of international market development for The Mosaic Company in Riverview, Fla., where he assisted international customers with product promotions, advertising, training and communications.

Hoyum was also vice president of market development and communications for IMC Global in Lake Forest, Ill.; vice president of international marketing for Western Ag-Minerals Company in Houston; and director of premium product marketing for IMC Fertilizer Inc. in Chicago.

Before his career in agricultural marketing, Hoyum had worked in agricultural extension and academics, serving as a soil Extension specialist at Auburn University and as an assistant professor in the soils department at California State University.

Nominations for the 2015 alumni awards were submitted by departments and units within the Auburn University College of Agriculture. The final selection was made by a committee that included the dean, associate deans, department heads and unit directors.


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<p><a href="https://agriculture.auburn.edu/author/jlw0067auburn-edu/" target="_self">Josh Woods</a></p>

Josh Woods

Josh Woods has served as director of communications and marketing for Auburn University’s College of Agriculture since 2013. He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in English and aspires to one day have a clean office.

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