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College Committees

Committees within the College of Agriculture serve as advisory groups to the dean and other administrators on a variety of college matters. Follow the tabs below for more information on each committee or for a list of members, view our intranet COA Committees.

Curriculum Committee


Reviews curriculum proposals submitted by department curriculum committees. Submits approved curriculum actions to the Dean’s Office and the University Curriculum Committee. Reviews and makes recommendation for advising and instruction awards.


Each academic unit in the College of Agriculture and the Agricultural Communications program will have a faculty representative on this committee. The members of this committee will be appointed by the appropriate academic unit head/chair/director/associate dean. The Dean of the College of Agriculture will confirm the members of the committee. Traditionally, the members are also members of their respective academic unit curriculum committee and possibly the chair of their academic unitcommittee. The term of service is for up to three years. Successive terms are allowed. The committee will elect a chair every two years. The associate dean for instruction and director of advising serves as an ex officio, non-voting member. The College of Agriculture’s representative to the University Curriculum Committee serves as an ex officio, non-voting member unless they also serve as their departmental representative..



  • For a list of membership please view the our intranet COA Committees page.

E.T. York Distinguished Lecture Series Committee


The Committee will recommend lecturers to the Dean of the College of Agriculture and will coordinate all activities associated with the Lectureship.

The E.T. York Distinguished Lecture Series was established to provide intellectually stimulating experiences for faculty, staff and students and to contribute to the further enhancement of the programs of Auburn University. It was established in the Auburn University College of Agriculture in 1981 through a gift from E.T. and Vam Cardwell York. Both were native Alabamians and Auburn University graduates. Dr. E.T. York served as director of the Alabama Cooperative Extension System from 1959 until 1962. He then went on to head the USDA’s Federal Extension Service in Washington, D.C. Later, he served as provost and vice president for agriculture at the University of Florida and then chancellor of the State University System of Florida until his retirement in 1980. He passed away in April of 2011, but his legacy lives on through this series. The E.T. York Distinguished Lecture Series features internationally known speakers addressing issues related to agriculture, food, the environment and natural resources.


Members of the committee will represent departments/units in the College of Agriculture. In addition, there will be one representative from the College of Veterinary Medicine and one from the College of Human Sciences. The heads of these departments and units will make a recommendation on its representative. The dean/associate dean of the College of Agriculture will confirm the appointment. The term of service is for two years. An individual member is eligible for renewal for another term. An associate dean in the College of Agriculture or the dean’s designee will serve as a continuing member and chair of the committee. Other members may be appointed by the dean of the College of Agriculture.



For a list of membership please view the our intranet COA Committees page.

Promotion & Tenure Committee


The College of Agriculture Promotion and Tenure Committee is an advisory committee to the dean of the college on promotion and tenure decisions and other faculty personnel matters the dean wishes to refer to the committee. The committee’s deliberations on promotion and tenure cases will evaluate the unit’s (department/school) assessment of a candidate for tenure and/or promotion based on the unit’s stated promotion and tenure guidelines and offer input on the candidate’s overall contribution to the mission of the college.


  • The associate dean for instruction, the associate dean for research, and the associate dean for extension will serve as ex officio, non-voting members of the committee. These individuals will serve as co-chair for the committee on a rotating basis for a one-year term; the co-chair will only vote in the event of a tie vote. This co-chair will help facilitate meetings, collect and disseminate P&T packets, and assist in forming the committee. The associate deans are expected to provide input on the performance of the candidates in their areas of immediate concern: teaching, research, and extension.
  • The committee will be composed of one tenured faculty member from each unit in the college with each member holding the rank of professor. Each unit leader (head/chair/director) will nominate two candidate members. The nominees will be submitted to the dean, who will make the final selection, with attention paid to achieving some balance in mission area  (teaching, research, and extension) based on appointment as well as general diversity among committee members themselves. The dean will notify the unit leader and candidates of the decision. The faculty committee members will elect a faculty co-chair. The faculty co-chair will moderate the meetings and make committee assignments. Committee members must be able to attend in person at least two committee meetings during the month of October.
  • Unit leaders may not serve on the committee.
  • Committee appointments shall be for a three-year term with staggered appointments by unit.
  • A committee member may serve subsequent terms but not successive terms.
  • Committee members may vote for a candidate in their unit EITHER as part of the unit vote OR as part of the college vote but not both. Committee members may not simultaneously serve on the university promotion and tenure committee.
  • Written evaluations and recommendations will be presented by the College Promotion and Tenure Committee to the dean for each case. The committee will determine who has the responsibility for preparing the report for each case; minority opinion reports may be submitted to the dean.
  • All deliberations and decisions by the committee are to be kept confidential.


For a list of membership please view the our intranet COA Committees page.

Updated April 2023

Scholarship Committee


Members advise on college scholarship awards. The members also serve as liaisons for their departments’ scholarship committees, where decisions on department scholarships are made. The committee has also been utilized to make recommendations on college faculty and student awards, such as the President’s Award, Dean’s Award, Comer Medal, SGA Outstanding Student Award, Student Marshal, Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence and Dean’s Award for Advising Excellence.


Each department in the College of Agriculture will have a representative on this committee. The members of this committee will be appointed by the department heads/chairs. The dean of the College of Agriculture will confirm the members of the committee. Traditionally, the members are also members of their respective department scholarship committees and possibly the chair of their department committees. The term of service is for up to three years. Successive terms are allowed. The associate dean for instruction serves as chair of the committee.


For a list of membership please view the our intranet COA Committees page.