Faculty Support Links
Whether you are new or part of the College of Agriculture’s amazing faculty already, we want to help you with all the support and resources needed for success within the Auburn University family. Please visit these most useful faculty member links below for reference.
Auburn University College of Agriculture – Student Services Office
Instructional Resources for Faculty
- Peer Review of Teaching conducted annually
- Instructional Workshops
- Instructional Grants
- Faculty Mentoring
Auburn University Instructional Resources for Faculty
University Writing – Office of the Provost, Supporting Auburn’s commitment to improving student writing skills.
- ePortfolio Project – Professional websites that showcase skills, experiences, and learning works for potential employers or graduate schools.
- Faculty Writing Opportunities – WE Write, University Writing Committee’s (UWC) Award for Excellence in Writing Instruction, and more faculty writing development opportunities.
- Learning to Teach Online Course Instruction
- Instructional Technology
- Instructional design: new courses, course revisions, online instruction, classroom technology
- Seminars, workshops, trainings, faculty learning communities
- Small group instructional feedback, electronic feedback for large classes, classroom observation
New Faculty Scholars Program (Biggio Center)
- Two semester (fall, spring) program completed within first two years at Auburn University
- Program includes monthly lunch and learns and small group Colleague Circles
Auburn University College of Agriculture – Research Office Services
Contracts & Grants Support
- Proposal Development Support (including grant writing and budgeting)
- Pre-submission Proposal Review Service
- Washington DC Orientation for Faculty
- Grantsmanship and other Professional Development Workshops
Seed Funding
- Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station (AAES) Competitive Seed Grants Program
- Auburn University Intramural Grants Program (IGP) Cost-share
Team Building & Other Resources
- Interdisciplinary Collaborative Systems
- AAES Research Centers/Institutes
- Administration of USDA NIFA Hatch Projects and Reporting
- Searchable Equipment Database
- New Faculty Orientation Tour of AAES Outlying Stations
- Statistical Consulting Service
- Support for High Performance Computing
- Programs to Advance Graduate Education
- Support for International Engagement through the Office of Global Programs
Auburn University College of Agriculture – Alabama Cooperative Extension System
- Travel allocation for delivering educational programs
- Computer/printer/software allocation and support
- Mentoring by senior Extension colleague
- Onboarding by Extension staff
- Extension Scholarship – Support of Extension Scholarship through Peer review of Extension products
- How-to training for developing your own Extension videos for social media and other outlets
- ACES Communications & Marketing – Support for development of videos, online courses, and web applications and content by ACES Communications