Kim Mullenix Headshot

Kim Mullenix

Department Head and Professor

Animal Sciences / Department Heads & Managers

(334) 844-1546 


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303A Upchurch Hall
Auburn Univ, AL 36849



  • Ph.D. in Forage Agronomy (Minor: Agricultural Education and Communication), University of Florida (2013)
  • M.S. in Ruminant Nutrition, Auburn University (2010)
  • B.S. in Animal Sciences, Auburn University (2008)


Dr. Kim Mullenix is an Extension Specialist and Associate Professor in the Department of Animal Sciences at Auburn University. Her academic appointment is 75% Extension and 25% research. Kim began her academic career at Auburn University in 2004 as an undergraduate student in Animal Sciences. She completed her B.S. in Animal Sciences in 2008, and a M.S. in Ruminant Nutrition in 2010. Mullenix received her Ph.D. in Agronomy (Forage Management) with a minor in Agricultural Education and Communication in 2013 from the University of Florida. The focus of her Extension and research programs is the development of systems management recommendations for cattle producers through the use of improved forage management and supplementation strategies. Dr. Mullenix has developed innovative curriculum, programming, and decision tools related to forage management for use by Extension agents and producers in Alabama and across the Southeast.  She has authored or co-authored 40 peer-reviewed journal articles, over 85 Extension and popular press articles, delivered over 150 in-state workshops on forage management and beef nutrition, and developed an online beef cattle educational short course and iBook for beginning farmers. Her research program is primarily focused on improved forage management strategies for beef cattle operations in the Southeast US during the cow-calf and backgrounding phases. She serves as a board member for the American Forage and Grassland Council and is the Secretary-Treasurer for the American Society of Animal Science Southern Section. She is an active member of the Alabama Association of Agricultural Agents and Specialists, the Alabama Beef Cattle Improvement Association, the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association and the Alabama Farmers Federation.


  • Associate Professor & Extension Beef Specialist, Auburn University, Auburn, AL (2019-current)
  • Assistant Professor, Auburn University, Auburn, AL  (2014-2019)


  • American Society of Animal Science
  • American Forage and Grassland Council
  • Crop Science Society of America
  • Alabama Beef Cattle Improvement Association
  • Alabama Cattlemen’s Association
  • Alabama Farmers Federation


  • American Society of Animal Science Armstrong Leadership Aawrd (2023)
  • American Society of Animal Science Outstanding Young Animal Scientist Award (2020)
  • American Society of Animal Science Outstanding Educator Award (2020)
  • American Forage and Grassland Council Merit Award (2020)
  • Alabama Farmers Federation Award for Research Excellence in Agriculture and Forestry (2019)


My research is focused on improving forage management and supplementation strategies in beef cattle operations in the Southeast US. Extending the grazing season, animal nutrient use efficiency, and strategies to enhance forage contributions in beef cattle systems in the region are priority areas of focus for my integrated research/extension program.


The Alabama Beef Systems Extension Program provides research-based beef cattle management systems recommendations to producers to enhance on-farm efficiency and sustainability in the Southeast U.S. Our program focuses on the development and delivery of educational programs and demonstrations with stakeholders to improve knowledge, awareness and adoption of best management practices related to forages and nutrition in beef cattle operations.