Joshua M. Duke
Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology / Department Heads & Managers
(334) 844-4800
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203 Comer Hall
Auburn Univ, AL 36849
- 1998 Ph.D., Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Wisconsin – Madison
- 1994 M.S., Public Policy Analysis, University of Rochester
- 1992 B.A., History and Political Science, University of Vermont
- 2024: Professor, Dept of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Auburn University
- 2020-2024: Department Head and Professor, Dept of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Auburn University
- 2019-2020: Chair and Professor, Dept of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Auburn University
- 1998-2019: Professor (and Assistant-Associate Professor), Dept of Applied Economics and Statistics, University of Delaware Joint appts at Delaware in Legal Studies, Economics, and Marine Science and Policy
- 2018: U.S. Department of Agriculture Food and Agricultural Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award, North East Region Winner
- 2018: Excellence in Teaching Award, Univ. of Del.
- 2017: Excellence in Teaching and Advising Award, College of Agric. and Natural Res, Univ. of Del.
- David C. Lincoln Fellow, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy (Awarded twice 2016, 2018)
- Editorial Board, Land Economics
- Associate Editor, Water Resources Research
- Co-Editor, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review
- Distinguished Member, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association
- Elected President, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association
- Advisory Panel on Nutrient Trading, Chesapeake Bay Commission
- New Castle County Farmland Advisory Committee, Del., Appointed by County Executive
- Executive Board Member (elected), Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association
- Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
- Southern Agricultural Economics Association
Dr. Duke’s main focus is to serve as Head of the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology as well as several small-scale research opportunities in:
- The Economics of Nonpoint Source Pollution Control
- Land Use Economics and Policy
- Environmental Economics
- Environmental Law
- Duke, Joshua M., John C. Bernard, and Gregory Vitz. Food labels for farmland preservation: Evidence from a field experiment. Forthcoming at Food Policy.
- Duke, Joshua M., Hongxing Liu, Tyler Monteith, Joshua McGrath, and Nicole Fiorellino. 2020. A method for predicting participation in a performance-based water quality trading program. Ecological Economics 177(November):1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2020.106762
- Duke, Joshua M., Zhongyuan Liu, Jordan Suter, Kent Messer, Holly Michael. 2020. Some taxes are better than others: An economic experiment analyzing groundwater management in a spatially explicit aquifer. Water Resources Research. 56(7):1-18. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019WR026426
- Schilling, Brian, Sullivan, Kevin, J. Dixon Esseks, Lori Lynch, Joshua Duke, Paul Gottlieb. 2020. Farmland Owners’ Satisfaction with Agricultural Conservation Easements: Is there Seller’s Remorse? Society and Natural Resources 33(6):769-87. https://doi.org/10.1080/08941920.2019.1677971
- The Oxford Handbook of Land Economics, ed. Joshua M. Duke and JunJie Wu. 2014. New York: The Oxford University Press.
- Bernard, John C., Joshua M. Duke, and Sara E. Albrecht. 2019. Do labels that convey minimal, redundant, or no information affect consumer perceptions and willingness to pay? Food Quality and Preference 71:149-157.
- Palm-Forster, Leah H., and Joshua M. Duke. 2019. An endogenous equilibrium game on traffic congestion externalities. The J of Economic Education, pp.1-13. On-line DOI: 10.1080/00220485.2018.1551095. Worksheet available at: http://udspace.udel.edu/handle/19716/23712
- Duke, Joshua M., and TianHang Gao. 2018. An experimental economics investigation of the land value tax: Efficiency, acceptability, and positional goods. Land Economics 94(4):475-495.
- Suter, J., S. Collie, K.D. Messer, J.M. Duke, H. Michael. Common pool resource use with policy at the extensive and intensive margins: Experimental evidence. Published on-line in September 2018 Environmental and Resource Economics.
- Fooks, Jacob R., Kent D. Messer, Joshua M. Duke, Janet B. Johnson, and George R. Parsons. 2017. Continuous Attribute Values in a Simulation Environment: Offshore Energy Production and Mid-Atlantic Beach Visitation. Energy Policy 110:288-302.
- Fooks, Jacob R., Kent D. Messer, Joshua M. Duke, Janet B. Johnson, Tongzhe Li, and George R. Parsons. 2017. Tourist Viewshed Externalities and Wind Energy Production. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 46(2):224-41.
- Duke, Joshua M., Kent D. Messer, Lori Lynch and Tongzhe Li. 2017. The Effect of Information on Discriminatory-Price and Uniform-Price Reverse Auction Efficiency: An Experimental Economics Study of the Purchase of Ecosystem Services”, Strategic Behavior and the Environment 7(1–2):41-71.
- Messer, Kent D., Joshua M. Duke, Lori Lynch, and Tongzhe Li. 2017. When does public information undermine the efficiency of reverse auctions for the purchase of ecosystem services? Ecological Economics, 134:212-226
- Duke, Joshua M. and David Sassoon. 2017. A classroom game on a negative externality correcting tax: Revenue return, regressivity, and the double dividend. Journal of Economic Education 48(2):65-73
- Duke, Joshua M., Brian J. Schilling, Kevin P. Sullivan, J. Dixon Esseks, Paul D. Gottlieb, and Lori Lynch. 2016. Illiquid Capital: Are Conservation Easement Payments Reinvested in Farms? Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy 38(3):449-73
- Fooks, Jacob, Nate Higgins, Kent D. Messer, Joshua M. Duke, Daniel Hellerstein, and Lori Lynch. 2016. Conserving spatially explicit benefits in ecosystem service markets: Lab and artefactual field tests of network bonuses and spatial targeting. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98(2):468-88