Soil Judging Team wins Southeastern Region Contest

The Auburn University Soil Judging Team recently took home a big win.

Oct.17-20, the team traveled to Clemson, South Carolina, to compete in the annual Southeastern Region Collegiate Soil Judging Contest, hosted by Clemson University. Joey Shaw, former professor in Crop, Soil and Environmental Science, coached the team to their victory.

The Auburn University team won after competing against 11 other teams. The top six teams included Auburn University, University of Georgia, University of Tennessee, Western Kentucky University and North Carolina State University.

Dustin Randolph, senior in crop, soil and environmental science-production option, was the top scorer for the team and the overall scorer of the competition. Other teammates include Jack Walley, LeAnne Pace, Ben McQuestion, Alexa Kloske and Skylar Sanders.

By winning the Southeastern Region Contest, the team qualified for the National Contest that will be hosted by Oklahoma State University in April 2023.

Despite Shaw’s recent retirement from Auburn University, he will be joining the team in Stillwater for the National Contest.

To prepare for the upcoming competition, the team will be taking an additional two-credit hour class in the spring and working with other faculty members in the Crop, Soil and Environmental Science Department in hopes of bringing back a national title.


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<p><a href="" target="_self">Taylor Edwards</a></p>

Taylor Edwards

Taylor Edwards is a junior majoring in Agricultural Communications with a minor in Animal Science. In her free time, she participates in many extracurriculars within the College of Agriculture and enjoys reading, going to the gym and listening to true crime podcasts.

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