Climate Symposium 2025

Melton Student Center Student Center, 255 Heisman Dr, Auburn, AL, United States

CLIMATE SYMPOSIUM 2025: CREATING A HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT FOR EVERYONE TUES. MARCH 25TH 9AM-1:30PM AUBURN UNIVERSITY Event designed to develop collaborations towards regional climate resilience. Features: lightning presentations, stakeholder panel, and table discussions student research poster presentations keynote by Lee Hedgepeth, AL climate journalist and lots of networking opportunities Free registration is required by March 10th. […]

Transfer Student Day on Ag Hill

Comer Hall 107 Comer Hall, Auburn, AL, United States

Prospective transfer students and families are encouraged to attend our in-person open house event and learn more about the majors and opportunities in the College of Agriculture (COA). You will get to meet with academic advisors, hear from current students, take a tour of Ag Hill, and attend Beyond the Farm, our spring event for […]