Study Abroad
Wherever you go – whether across the state or around the world – our fundamental life needs are the same.
That’s why our work knows no geographical boundaries. As a student here, you’ll have the opportunity to travel any number of places. In fact, we award a number of study-abroad scholarships to ensure more students have an international experience each year. Study-abroad opportunities have taken our students to destinations such as England, Greece, Italy, Spain, Mexico, Brazil and China.
Your international experiences here will give you the perspectives of other cultures, expand your worldview and equip you with personal insight into the global marketplace.
United Kingdom
Leaning tower of Piza, Italy, College of Ag study abroad trip.
Auburn Ag students holding an AU flag on top of Machu Picchu.
COA Study Abroad Fellowship Guidelines
The College of Agriculture awards a number of students a study-abroad fellowship each year. Learn more…
Funding Support
COA Global Programs Student Financial Aid for Study Abroad.
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