Path to the Plains
Begin your Auburn journey at Southern Union
Through Path to the Plains, you could begin life as an Auburn University student while enrolled at nearby Southern Union State Community College. Path to the Plains is built around specific Auburn majors to offer you an affordable and accessible pathway to an Auburn degree.
As a Path to the Plains student, you would complete your freshman and sophomore general education classes at Southern Union while enrolling in at least one class at Auburn each semester. Upon successful completion of your Southern Union coursework, you then would make a smooth, seamless transition to full enrollment at Auburn for your junior and senior years.
Auburn offers over 40 majors & programs through Path to the Plains, including 12 in partnership with the College of Agriculture:
- Agricultural Business & Economics
- Agricultural Science
- Animal Sciences
- Animal Sciences Pre-Vet
- Applied Biotechnology
–What is Applied Biotechnology?
–Student Success Story - Biological and Agricultural Technology Management
- Crop and Soil Sciences
- Environmental Science
- Horticulture
- Horticulture – Fruit and Vegetable Production
- Poultry Science – Production
For more information on these majors, check out our website.
Madisen Cope
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