Crop & Soil Sciences
Building the foundation for the world’s largest industry
As a student in the Crop and Soil Sciences major, you’ll apply the basic sciences — such as biology, chemistry, physics, geology and microbiology — to better understand the natural foundation upon which our entire industry is built.
Graduates of this program protect our natural environment while producing the food, fiber and resources that improve life for billions every single day.
Major Track Options
- Production Major Option
- Science Major Option
- Soil, Water & Land Use Major Option
- Turfgrass Major Option
What can I do with a Major in Crop & Soil Sciences?
- Sports Turf Development Management
- Golf Course Construction & Management
- Agricultural Climatology
- Farm Management
- Chemical Research & Development
- Land Use Consulting
- Crop Production
- Seed Production
- Soil Quality Research
- Weed Science
Find out more careers you can have by visiting our Career Discovery services page.