Telling our story
The agricultural communications major combines the study of agricultural sciences, practices and policy with the study of communications media and methods. Professional communicators in agriculture are vital to relaying crucial scientific or technical information from scientists to producers to businesses to consumers. As an agricultural communicator, your career may be in mass media, advertising, public relations, sales and marketing or government.
What you’ll Study
As an agricultural communications major, you’ll take basic agriculture classes as well as chemistry and biology to ensure your understanding of agricultural issues. You’ll also take a variety of classes through the School of Communications and Journalism and the English Department, including public relations, marketing, journalism, radio, television, film, digital media and technical writing. The major requires an internship or journalism workshop.
Major Curriculum & Requirements
- Read the Agricultural Communications Major’s Course Curriculum and requirements listed in the Auburn Bulletin.
- Core Curriculum & GE Outcomes
What can I do with a Major in Ag Communications?
- Law and Public Policy
- Public Relations
- Product Marketing
- Corporate Communications
- Commodity Sales
- Social Media Management
- Audience and Marketing Research
- Journalism
- Media Strategy
- Web and Digital Communications
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