M.S. & Ph.D.
in Biosystems
Advancing technology for a cleaner, safer world
Auburn University Department of Biosystems Engineering offers the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in biosystems engineering in collaboration with the School of Forestry and Wildlife Science and the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering. The Department also offers graduate certificates in ecosystems and bioproducts and bioprocessing.
These programs offer specializations in bioenergy and bioproducts engineering, precision agriculture and forestry, off-highway vehicle engineering, ecological engineering and food and process engineering.
Graduates are prepared for employment in national laboratories, industry and universities. They are able to design, develop, regulate, research and manage bio-based life-enhancing and life-saving products, as well as the systems and technologies needed to produce, transport, store and use natural resources to meet humanity’s most fundamental needs, such as safe and abundant food, clean water, fiber, and renewable resources of fuel.
Master’s & Doctoral programs
The information below is a brief description of master’s and doctoral programs in biosystems engineering offered by our department.
Current Level Assistantship
- M.S.: $20,000 and Ph.D.: $24,000.
- In addition to the stipend, outstanding students are considered for various fellowships.
- The exact amount is at the department’s discretion and is subject to change by the college and Auburn University.
- Salaries are paid in accordance with the budget policies and payroll procedures of the university.
Recommended Application Deadlines
- Please apply at least 4-5 months prior to the start date of the semester. For international applications, apply as soon as possible.
GRE Requirements
- Submission of GRE score is encouraged but not required for admission.
Departmental Preference
- Prospective graduate students should first contact the faculty with whom they are interested in working and check about available research assistantships.
In the Ph.D. program, instruction, research training and experience are available in various specialized fields such as ecological engineering, bioenergy and bioproducts engineering, food engineering, biological process engineering, biosystems automation, and off-highway vehicle engineering.
The Ph.D. in biosystems engineering requires a minimum of 60 semester hours of graduate-level course work beyond the bachelor’s degree. The total number of credit hours that may be transferred from another accredited institution toward a doctoral degree must be less than 50 percent of the credit hours listed on the Plan of Study. Students must take a qualifying examination (written and oral) administered by the student’s advisory committee that tests the student’s knowledge and competence in the proposed research area and in the general field of biosystems engineering.
Master of Science (M.S.)
The department offers both a thesis and non-thesis M.S. degree, which produce graduates who are able to identify, formulate, analyze and solve complex biosystems engineering problems by using appropriate tools and techniques, including independent research, and who can effectively communicate to technical and non-technical audiences.
The M.S. (thesis option) in biosystems engineering requires a minimum of 30 semester credit hours of graduate course work that includes up to 6 credit hours of thesis research. After completion of research, candidates for the MS thesis option must successfully defend the thesis.
The M.S. (non-thesis option) is offered to those that desire in-depth knowledge in Biosystems Engineering typically needed for non-academic engineering careers. A minimum of 30 semester credit hours of graduate course work is required for this option.
Grad Certificates
Graduate Certificate in Ecosystems
The graduate certificate in ecosystems provides a specialization in the application of ecological and biological principles to solve complex engineering problems in natural and man-made systems.
This interdisciplinary graduate certificate program is designed for individuals holding baccalaureate degrees in engineering or appropriate science fields with an interest in ecological and natural system problem solving.
Students can complete the certificate program in one academic year by passing four program courses and attending all required, on-ground, one-week labs for each course. Course offerings include site design for biosystems, watershed modeling, ecological engineering and more.
Graduate Certificate in Bioproducts and Bioprocessing
The graduate certificate in bioproducts and bioprocessing provides a specialization in the application of biological and biochemical principles to solve complex problems that are needed in developing systems for processing and converting biological materials to fuels, products and chemicals.
This interdisciplinary graduate certificate program is designed for individuals holding baccalaureate degrees in biosystems engineering or other appropriate engineering or scientific fields with an interest in biofuels, bioenergy and bioprocessing.
Students can complete the certificate program in one academic year by passing four program courses and attending all required on-ground, one-week labs for each course. Course offerings include biomass conversion, life-cycle analysis, bulk solids flow and more.