Graduate Research Poster
Annual COA Graduate Poster Showcase located at the Auburn Alumni Association
Welcome to the 2024 College of Agriculture Graduate Research Poster Showcase! We are excited to host this event in person at the Auburn Alumni Association. Please join us by presenting your poster, signing up as a judge, or stopping by and checking out these awesome research posters!
- Register HERE.
- Submit digital materials (abstract & poster, both in pdf format) to the AU Box Folder – you will receive an email from Kelly Pippin letting you know where to submit them.
- Print your poster – Recommended poster size is 40” x 30” vertical or horizontal layout (easels, foam boards, tacks, and/or clips will be provided on-site) ** The Ralph Brown Draughon Library (RBD) provides a printing service
- Arrive at the Alumni Association lobby, sign in, set up your poster, and present it to the judges. Light finger food will be provided at 4:30 pm.
- Register by: September 22, 11:59 pm CST
- Digital material (abstract and poster) submission by: October 20, 11:59 pm CST
** All changes (e.g., poster title, misspelling, poster content changes, etc.) are due October 20; you will be provided with a Box folder link to submit the digital material. If you’ve never used a Box folder before, please visit the Box User’s Guide and set it up.
- All posters will be posted online the week after the program
Capacity & Timing
- Up to 82 posters total
10 min/poster presentation – 4-5 min for presentation, 4-5 min for Q&A. Before judging, scan the QR code and select the poster, then start evaluating as you listen to the presentation and answer questions.
32 – 36 judges needed
Logistics on October 24
Tentative schedule (depends on the total number of posters):
1:00 – 4:30 p.m.: Poster Judging
4:30 – 6:00 p.m.: Public viewing, food, and announcing winners. Y’all are invited to return to the poster site at 4:30 p.m. Finger foods and beverages will be ready at 4:30 pm.
**A detailed schedule and a poster assignment list will be emailed to each judge and student presenter as we get closer to the event.
Poster numbering system:
P = PhD; M = MS; U = Undergraduate
A, B, and C indicate Research Focus Areas
Tentatively, I have: A = Plant Production and Management Systems | B = Sustainable Ecosystems & Renewable Resource Management | C = Food Animal Systems/Integrated Food and Human & Health Systems | U = Undergraduate Posters
Special Instructions/Tips
Students must arrive no sooner than 30 minutes before the judging session begins – refer to the ‘LOGISTICS ON OCTOBER 24’ above and the spreadsheet Kelly Pippin sent you.
Each poster will be evaluated by three judges. Your finish time depends on when the assigned judge arrives at your poster.
** For example, if all three judges decide to start with poster A-P-01, the A-P-01 presenter will only need to present their poster once to all judges. As a result, the presenter could finish very quickly. On the other hand, if three judges arrive one at a time, you will present your posters three times to each of them and finish a little slower.
All posters will be organized under the following research focus areas:
A: Plant Production & Management Systems
** Research topics of interest include plant production and protection, cropping systems, adaptability and resiliency, agricultural technology and innovations, and the impact of agricultural production systems on the ecosystem.
B: Sustainable Ecosystems & Renewable Resource Management
** Research topics of interest include ecosystem services/preservation, landscapes, biodiversity, climate change, water, energy, bio-based products, alternative crops, and renewable resources.
C: Food Animal Systems & Integrated Food & Human Health Systems
** Research topics of interest include efficient and sustainable animal production systems, animal health, efficient and safe use of animal manure, animal production technologies, human health, and well-being by investigating the link between food quality, nutrition, safety and health, zoonotic diseases, toxins, and the impact of pests/pesticides on the ecosystem.
All undergraduate posters (regardless of research focus areas) compete as one group.
Poster number system:
P = PhD; M = MS; U = Undergraduate
A, B, and C indicate Research Focus Areas; for example, your poster number will look like A-P-01, B-M-03, U-01, etc.
Students are encouraged to review best practices for poster presentations and prepare for a general audience.
** Sources:
https://lib.auburn.edu/irc/instructional-content.php: hold ‘Ctrl’ and hit ‘F’, type in the keyword ‘Poster’ to find more information.
- Posters will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
-Aesthetics/Organization (i.e., visual appeal, organization, balance of images/figures/text, etc.)
-Content/Merit (i.e., scientific merit, general audience appeal, clear objectives, and outcomes, etc.)
-Presentation Skills (i.e., confidence, proper attire, enthusiasm, communication skills, etc.)
-Scientific Response (i.e., clear description of a scientific concept, clear explanation of what, how, and why, interpretation of results, etc.)
-Question and Answer (i.e., ability to clearly answer questions raised by the judges).
Note: If you are presenting the results of industry‐funded research, we encourage you to review with your major professor/principal investigator the industry contract terms regarding publication and intellectual property.
Please feel free to contact Kelly Pippin (kzp0025@auburn.edu) if you have questions.
Poster Schedule
Coming Soon
Current Grad Student Research Posters and Winners
Past Grad Student Research Posters
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