Completed Theses in AERS
Here are completed theses and dissertations by Year, Title and Author of previous Agriculture Economics and Rural Sociology department graduates. These entries are compiled from Auburn University’s Electronic Theses and Dissertations (AUETD) database. The AUETD contains every thesis or dissertation successfully defended at Auburn since the Fall 2005 semester.
- Three Essays in Applied and Resource Economics
- Consumer Willingness-to-Pay for Sweet Grown Alabama Sweet Potatoes Holley, Julia
- Disinvestment: Heirs’ Property and Food Desert across the Deep South and Appalachia Shin, Jihyun
- An economic analysis of cull cow price trends in Alabama Richburg, George Jr
- Food Spending Among Low-Income Consumers: the Effects of the SNAP Cycle and Seasonality on Purchases and Produce Incentive Use Lantz, Candace
- Water Security in Hati: Do National Stakeholders Consider Water and Sanitation as a Priority in Development
- An Economic Evaluation of Variable Rate Irrigation for Alabama Corn and Soybean Production
- Essays on International, Development and Environmental Economics
- The Effects of Electricity Billing Structures and Electricity Rates on the Profitability of Solar Photovoltaic Projects: Evidence from Poultry Farms
- Co-Developing Climate-Smart Strategies: Enhancing Resiliency Among Alabama Row Crop Producers and Agricultural Stakeholders
- Farmer Mental Health and Rural Stressors
- Food Insecurity, Race, and Market Demand
- Three Essays in Applied Economics
- Examining the Role of U.S. Agricultural Policy on Chapter 12 Bankruptcy Filings and Active Cases
- Maintaining Relevance in Agricultural Extension Programming Using Classical Extension Methods: A Social Network Analysis of the Future of Farming Project
- Three Inter-Related Essays in Applied Economics: A Quasi-Experimental Analysis of Ponzi-Financial Institutions
- Three Topics in Applied Economics
- Essays on Productivity Analysis
- Influence of Government Policy on the Foster Care Placement Gap Hoelscher, Abigail
- Three Essays in Applied Economics Ghosh, Prasenjit
- Analysis of Gender Participation in the Marketing and Processing Phases of the Cassava Value Chain in Nigeria Olaomo, Olanike
- Extension Support for Cassava (Manihot esculenta) Production and Processing in Nigeria: Impact on Farm Practice Adoption Otubo, Oluchi
- The Durability of Rurality: Connecting Deaths of Despair and Livelihood Characteristics in U.S. Counties Sapkota, Yashu
- Three Essays Analyzing Microfinance Institutions, Housing Policy and Agricultural Banks Machatha, Charles
- How will changes in Title II of the 2018 Farm Bill affect CRP Acreage?
- Alabama & Georgia Media Sources and Their Claims About Alternative Food Networks Stitt, Amanda
- Three Essays in Applied Economics Dawood, Ali
- Three Essays on the Economics of Crime Odabasi, Suzan
- Food Safety Scandals and Scares: Media Presentation of Local Beef Shelley, Mary
- Three Essays on Applied Economics Si, Chengyu
- Three Essays on Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture Le, Trang
- Gender and Rural Vitality: Empowerment through Women’s Community Groups Majokweni, Zipo-zihle Pilela
- The Corporation and the DNA of Farmland Financialization Canfield, John Jr.
- Sod-Based Rotation Systems: Research for Whom? Hargrove, Jennie
- Better than Blue Apron: The Role of Black Women in a Community-Based Meal Kit Project
- Three Shades of Welfare in Applied Economics Brizmohun, Roshini
- Essays in International Trade: Cotton, Seafood, and Meat Wang, Ping
- Three Essays on Agribusiness and Food Economics Anand, Mohit
- Policing Poultry: State and Market Interplay and its Ramifications in the Rural South Galloway, Karl
- Heir Property in the South: A Case Study of a Resettlement Community Patterson, James III
- Three Essays in Environmental and Development Economics Wang, Meijuan
- “God Bless the Farmer”: Community Perceptions of Legal Challenges to Hog Farming Operations in North Carolina
- Three Essays on International Trade Tidjani Serpos, Abdelaziz
- Three Essays on Fish Demand Analysis Bui, Chuong
- Essays on International Trade and Finance: An Empirical Assessment of Food Safety and Banking Crises
- Essays in International Trade and Energy Economics Ozturk, Ozcan
- The Effect of Price Risk on Mongolian Copper Exports Gao, Jiaxuan
- Essays on Applied Econometrics Citak, Ferhat
- Three Essays on the Gender Wage Gap and Residential Water Demand Zhou, Mo
- Economic and Econometric Evaluation of the Turkish Labor Market Guneysu Atasoy, Filiz
- The Socio-Economic Impact of Concentration of Timberland Ownership in Alabama Gopaul, Abhimanyu
- Right to Farm Laws: A Thematic Analysis Walker, Fiona
- The determinants of the value of US tilapia import – Evidence from a gravity model Gao, Penghui
- Efficacy of U.S. Antidumping Duties: The Case of Freshwater Crawfish Tail Meat Sebaq, Mohamed
- Adoption of Soil Conservation Practices and Farmers’ Willingness to Pay for Soil Testing in Northern Haiti Kokoye, Senakpon
- Essays on Farmer Consumption Choices, Beginning Farmers Credit Constraints and Exit Griffin, Bretford
- Food Demand, Food Sensory Preferences and Attributes Explaining Food Price Differences
- Women’s Property Rights and Outreach of Microfinance Institutions Targeting Women Bailey, Rachel
- Essays on GCC Energy Economics and Saudi Arabia’s Economic Growth Al Mahish, Mohammed
- Three Essays on the International Economic Development Ge, Wei
- Social and Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, and Economic Implications of EU Regulations on Agricultural Products N’Dede Hourizene, Bley Cynthia
- Banking Efficiency Analysis for Two Special Years During Recent Financial Crisis Li, Chen
- An Economic Impact Study of the Alabama Horse Industry Richburg, Darcey
- Factors Affecting Markets, Economic Growth and Economic Development: Three Essays in Applied Economics Tadjion, Omer
- Three Essays on Applied International Trade Analysis Nguyen, Ly
- Effects of exchange rates on China’s agricultural products: The case of soybean trade between China and the U.S. Si, Chengyu
- Three Essays on Household Residential Sorting Zhang, Zhaohua
- Three Essays on the Chinese Housing Market: Amenities, Environment, and Policies Luo, Yuxi
- The Impact of Awareness of Aquatic Food and Consumers’ Beliefs About Product Attributes on Fish Consumption Behavior in China Cai, Mengyan
- Agricultural and Food Policies in Global Trade The Case of Almonds and Hazelnuts Sisman, Muhammet Yunus
- Three Essays on Non-Market Valuation Applications
- Three Essays on China’s Agricultural Trade Liu, Xinran
- Research on Aquacultural Trade and Policy – Three Essays on China’s Aquatic Product Trade Zhang, Han
- Credit Delivery Analyses and Climate Impact Issues: The Case of Ghana and Southeastern US Quaye, Frederick Murdoch
- Three Essays on Agricultural Prices, Markets, and Trade Gong, Li
- Three Essays in Natural Risks and Environmental Policy Analysis Li, Sheng
- Aflatoxin Contamination and Regulation Policy Interventions: Economic Implications for Peanut Market Participants
- Surviving the Spill: Stakeholder Perceptions of the Commercial Seafood Supply Chain in Alabama and Mississippi After the Deepwater Horizon Disaster Christensen, Stefanie
- The Role of Women in Post-Harvest Handling of Peanuts: The Case of Reducing Aflatoxin Along the Supply Chain in Ghana Adu-Gyamfi, Akua
- Economic Effects of Crop Rotations for Cotton, Corn and Peanuts under Risk Thomas, Loyd Daily, Jr.
- Topics in Law and Economics: Three Essays Francisco, James
- Financial Derivatives and Bank Performance Xuan, Shen
- Investigating the objectives of the new owners of Alabama’s Timberlands Ameyaw, Lord
- Three Essays on the Economics of Climate Impacts on Agriculture Lee, Jaehyuk
- A Return-Risk Analysis of Traditional Row Crop and Sod-Based Rotations in the Wiregrass Region of Alabama Prevatt, Christopher
- Legislated Incentives and Expectations Doran, Thomas
- Community Governance, Contingent Valuation, and Food Policy Councils: The Case of the Alabama Food Policy Council Thomas, William
- Three Essays on Factors Influencing the Demand of Local and International Food Products Reynolds Allie, Kenesha
- The effect of the export tax rebate on China’s green tea market
- Three Essays on CGE Modeling, Education Economics and Energy Economics
- Three Essays in House Foreclosures, Quasi-Experiment Model and Irrigation
- Three Essays on Energy Economics Gao, Jing
- Between the Farm and the Farmer’s Market: Slaughterhouses, Regulations, and Alternative Food Networks Denny, Riva
- Economic Analysis of Turfgrass-Sod Production in Alabama Yi, Jing
- Impact Analysis of Auburn Related Services on Farmers in Alabama Wu, Le
- Impact of Drought Stress on Transgenic Corn Seed Technologies in the United States: A Comparative Analysis Wesley, John David
- Essays on South Africa: Exchange Rates, Bilateral Trade and Inflation Kinyua, Peter
- Economics of Microbial Inoculants as an Integrated Pest Management Practice in Apple Production Chavez, Holcer
- The Economics of Quality in the Specialty Coffee Industry: Insights from the Cup of Excellence Programs Wilson, Adam
- Three Essays on the Impact of Automobile Production on Alabama’s Economy Krishnapillai, Sooriyakumar
- Total Elasticities for Meat in China: The Importance of Cross-commodity Effects
- Essays on Applied Resource Economics Using Bioeconomic Optimization Models
- Three Essays on Antidumping Duties and Risk Factors Affecting International Seafood Trade Zhang, Dengjun
- Three Essays on International Trade Diarrassouba, Malick
- A Spatial Econometric Analysis of the Effects of Subsidized Housing and Urban Sprawl on Property Values Naanwaab, Cephas
- Three Essays on Applied Economics Durmaz, Nazif
- Essays on Applied International Economics and Finance Resiandini, Pramesti
- Three Essays on Market and Non-Market Factors Affecting International Seafood Trade Tran, Nhuong
- Portable Sawmills – A Small Scale Microenterprise Development Aulakh, Jaspreet
- Understanding the Role of Fish Farmer Organizations as Intermediaries for Aquacultural Development in Uganda
- Essays on the Profitability of Winter Farming Enterprises
- Using and Improving Irrigation: Producer Perceptions and Possibilities Sydnor, Emily
- The Economics of Film Distribution Byrd, William
- Supply Response, Price Transmission, and Risk in the U.S. Catfish Industry Nguyen, Giap
- Scale Economies in MFIs Abroad and Comparable U.S. Financial Institutions James, Natalie
- Coal and Renewable Energy: History, Impacts, and Future in Alabama Singh, Brajesh
- Growing Naturally in Alabama: Needs and Possibilities
- Irrigation, Income Distribution, and Industrialized Agriculture in the Southeast United States
- Competition between Domestic and Imported Farmed Fish – A Demand System Analysis To, Hong
- Supply Response of Crops in the Southeast Kichler, Rachel
- Economic Evaluation of Protection against Freezes in Satsuma Mandarin Production Lindsey, Jeanne
- Conjoint Analysis of Breaded Catfish Nuggets: Consumer Preferences for Price, Product Color, Cooking Method, and Country of Origin Hill, Jessica
- Recent Portfolio Investment and Central Bank Policy in Thailand Sathitsuksanoh, Noppadon
- Consumer Preferences for Watermelons: A Conjoint Analysis Evans, Callie
- Does Rating Help Microfinance Institutions Raise Funds? A Cross-Country Analysis of the Role of Rating Agency Assessments in Microfinance Industry
- A Comparative Case Study of Regional Councils of Government in Central and East Alabama
- Three essays on toxic chemical releases, house values, health and labor productivity Ho, Sa
- The Catfish Antidumping in Perfect and Imperfect Competition and the Role of Aquaculture in Farmers’ Happiness
- Evaluating the Competitiveness of US Agricultural Market Commodities
- Social Capital, Cultural Capital, and the Racial Divide: Community Development Through Art in Alabama’s Black Belt
- Heir Property: Legal and Cultural Dimensions of Collective Landownership in Alabama’s Black Belt Dyer, Janice
- Property Value Impacts and Risks Perceptions: A Hedonic Analysis of Anniston, Alabama
- Evaluating Access Barriers To Primary Health Care Services For Hispanic Residents in Toombs County, Georgia
- Linking Rural Vendors with Urban Public Markets: Institutional Constraints and Possibilities in the Evolution of Urban Food Systems
- An Economic Analysis of Integrating Hydroponic Tomato Production into an Indoor Recirculating Aquacultural Production System
- Internet Access, Practice Adoption, and Conservation Program Participation in Three Alabama Watersheds Tallant, Meredith
- Farm Investment and Off-Farm Income – A Study of Farms in Alabama Mai, Chi
- Understanding Small and Medium Scale Tilapia Culture in Nicaragua Martinez-Mejia, Pablo
- Vertical Integration in the Food Manufacturing Industry, 1967-1992 Diabate, Youssouf
- Essays on Food and Agricultural Policy Irimia-Vladu, Marina
- Three Essays in Applied Economics: (1) School Funding and Student Performance in Alabama, (2) News and Volatility of Food Prices, and (3) The Impact of NAFTA on Labor in the US Zheng, Yuqing
- Private Schools in the South: Is It About Education? Wyatt, Rachel
- Essays in Applied International Economics Malki, Mostafa
- Three Essays on Real Estate, Environmental, and Urban Economics Using the Hedonic Price Model Technique Jauregui, Andres
- Three Essays on the Economics of Land Use and Water Quality Bhattarai, Gandhi
- Process, Regulation Requirements, and Financial Analysis for Transforming Rural Land to Recreational Sportfishing Waters Cumbie, James
- Trade Adjustments to Exchange Rates in Regional Economic Integration: Argentina and Brazil
- Barriers to Adoption of Sustainable Agriculture Practices in the South: Change Agents Perpectives Rodriguez, Baide
- Selected Topics in Peanut Production: Economic Feasibility of an Energy Crop on a South Alabama Cotton-peanut Farm and Do Economies of Scale Exist on Peanut Farms in the Southeast? Frank, Edward
- Selected Topics in Alabama’s Environmental Horticulture Industry: The Economic Impact of Alabama’s Green Industry and Migrant Labor in Alabama’s Horticulture Industry Bellenger, Moraih
- Community Capacity and Rural Housing in the Black Belt Kennealy, Patrick
- Tilapia Fingerling Production in Honduras Meyer, Suyapa
- Growth Machine Meets Conservation: A Stakeholder Analysis of the Black Warrior and Cahaba River Watersheds Carter-North, John
- A Duplication and Replication of Two Econometric Demand Models Explaining the Effects of Promotion on Mill-Level Demand of U.S. Upland Cotton Morton, Trent
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Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology Department
202 Comer Hall
Auburn Univ., AL 36849