Haiti Projects
Following are three series of technical and research reports carried out as part of USAID-funded agroforestry and agriculture-related projects that spanned from 1987 until their conclusion in 1991.
The first period consisted of USAID/Haiti’s Agroforestry Outreach Project, followed by the Agroforestry II Project, which focused primarily on trees. The second collection of research reports come from the Productive Land Use Systems (PLUS) Project, which began in 1992 as a follow-on to the agroforestry projects and ended in 2001. In PLUS, trees had a diminished role and agricultural production and marketing became the focus. The final group of reports fall under the Steeplands project and were funded through USAID’s Soil Management Collaborative Support Program (Soil Management CRSP). (The full title of the project was Soil Management Practices for Sustainable Production on Densely Populated Tropical Steeplands.)
This project was led by Texas A&M and also involved collaboration from North Carolina State University along with Auburn. The Steeplands project began in 1996 and ended in 2001 with Texas A&M conducting research in Honduras and Nicaragua while Auburn worked in Haiti throughout the project. These three projects contributed much useful information relevant to agricultural production in Haiti. Many Auburn faculty and staff directly contributed to the success of these Haiti projects:
Haiti Agroforestry Projects
Auburn faculty and staff who contributed to the Haiti Agroforestry projects:
- Paul Starr, Chief of Party and Professor of Sociology.
- Don Street, Professor of Economics
- Richard Guthrie, Associate Dean of International Programs, College of Agriculture, Pedologist
- Gene Hunter, Horticulture
- Joel Timyan, Forester, Tree Germplasm Improvement
- Kent Reid, Forester, Nursery Research
- Pierre Rosseau, Agroforestry Research, Agronomy and Soils (now Crop, Soil & Environmental Sciences)
- Dennis Shannon, Agronomy and Soils, Agroforestry Research
- Steve Goodwin, Administrator
- Walter Kelley, Professor, School of Forestry, Campus Coordinator
- Curtis Jolly, Professor, Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, marketing
Project Reports
*reports are listed in descending numerical order:
- Book. Bwa Yo: Important Trees of Haiti
- Report 33. Economic indicators of Agroforestry II strategy implementation: farm income analysis to agricultural project analysis
- Report 31. Development of stock quality criteria
- Report 30. The effects of alley cropping and fertilizer application on continuously-cropped maize
- Report 29. Agroforestry knowledge, attitudes and practices in Northwest Haiti
- Report 27. A financial analysis of selected hedgerow operations in Haiti’s Southern and Northwestern regions
- Report 25. Time rate of discounting and decisions of Haitian tree planters
- Report 24. Effects of seed treatment methods of germination of Simarouba glauca var. Latifolia Cronq.
- Report 23. A Geographic Information System (GIS) approach to locating potential planting sites for Catalpa Longissima species (china) in Haiti
- Report 21. Factors affecting seedling mortality in Haitian agroforestry
- Report 20. Storage conditions and pre-germination methods for seed of selected tropical tree species
- Report 19. Biological, physiological and environmental factors affecting the health of trees important to Haiti
- Report 17. Assessment of hedgerow performances in the Haitian context
- Report 16. Soil profile description for selected sites in Haiti
- Report 15. An explorative approach for assessing soil movement on hillsides. Application for hedgerow performance
- Report 14. Financial analysis of selected tree operations in Haiti’s Northwest and Central Plateau
- Report 13. Technical constraints in Haitian agroforestry: research on tool use and need in two regions
- Report 11. Outline of techniques for use in studying agroforestry hedgerows and alley cropping systems in Haiti
- Report 10. The impact of hedgerows on agricultural production.
- Report 09. Socio-cultural factors in Haitian agroforestry: research results from four regions
- Report 08. The pole market in Haiti: southwest to Port-au-Prince
- Report 07. Haiti regional tree nursery cost study
- Report 06. The charcoal market in Haiti: Northwest to Port-au-Prince
- Report 05. Microsymbiont colonization and seedling development as influenced by inoculation method: Rhizobium and Frankia
- Report 04. Seedling growth and development in different container types and potting mixes
- Report 03. Short-term seedling field survival and growth as influenced by container type and potting mix
- Report 02. An interim report on influences of inoculation with nitrogen-fixing symbionts on reforestation efforts in Haiti
- Report 01. Tree planting in Haiti: a socio-economic appraisal
Productive Land Use Systems (PLUS) Projects
Auburn faculty and staff who contributed to the Haiti Agroforestry projects:
PLUS Project – 1991-1996
- Frank Brockman, Chief of Party Agronomist
- John Dale (Zach) Lea, Agricultural Economist/Monitoring & Evaluation, marketing
- Dennis Shannon, Associate Professor, Agronomy and Soils, Campus Coordinator, agroforestry
- Curtis Jolly, Professor, Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, marketing
- Joel Timyan, Forester, Tree Germplasm Improvement
- Kyung Yoo, Professor, Agricultural Engineering
PLUS Project – 1996-2001
- John Dale (Zach) Lea, Chief of Party, Marketing Specialist
- Dennis Shannon served as Campus Coordinator
- Consultants from outside Auburn were too numerous to list
Project Reports
*reports are listed in descending numerical order:
Report 52. Findings of surveys on yam (Dioscorea spp.) production in the Grande Anse Department, Haiti
Report 51. Cowpea variety trials in northwest Haiti
Report 50. Training manual for improving cocoa production in Haiti
Report 49. Haiti small-scale coffee producers production, processing, quality control, and marketing
Report 48. Technical support to Haitian cacao
Report 45. Research on cassava varieties adapted to conditions on the northwest peninsula of Haiti
Report 43. Trial comparing resistance of bean varieties to golden mosaic and heat stress
Report 39. Five year results of a neem (Azadirachta indica) trial at Roche Blanche, Haiti
Report 38. Evaluation de provenances de Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp. en Haïti
Report 37. Five year results of the Pinus trial near Kenscoff, Haiti
Report 36. Comparison of species of Casuarina at Lapila (Pignon) Haiti: Results of five year growth
Report 35. Five year results of Senna siamea trials in Haiti
Report 34. Results of growth of provenances of Enterolobium cyclocarpum after five years in Haiti
Report 33. Study of provenances of Cordia alliodora in Haiti: results after 5 years of growth
Report 31. Assessment of growth of provenances of Cedrela odorata after five years in Haiti
Report 29. Soil profile descriptions for agroforestry research sites in Haiti
Report 28. Increasing the marketability of manioc and breadfruit products by improving processing techniques
Report 26. Plant disease problems in banana and plantain in Haiti
Report 25. Further assessment and refinementof the PLUS M&E system
Report 24. Management and impact of hedgerows: PADF/Camp-Perrin
Report 23. Impact of tree planting in Haiti: 1982-1995
Report 22. Rates of adoption of PLUS Project interventions, Northwest Haiti, July 1994
Report 21. Consultancy report: Integrated Pest Management in vegetables gardens in Haiti, October 1994
Report 20. Inventory of crop varieties in Haiti or with potential value in Haiti
Report 19. Water harvesting and small-scale irrigation
Report 18. Project PLUS baseline information (revised)
Report 17. Initial financial evaluation of hedgerows
Report 14. Food marketing in Northwest Haiti CARE Regions I-IV
Report 13. Farmer Needs Assessment Exploratory Surveys: PADF Les Cayes Region 1
Report 12. Farmer Needs Assessment Exploratory Surveys: PADF Mirebalais Region 3
Report 11. Farmer Needs Assessment Exploratory Surveys: PADFJACMEL Region 2
Report 10. Farmer Needs Assessment Exploratory Surveys: CARE Northwest Regions 2, 3, & 4
Report 09. Farmer Needs Assessment Exploratory Surveys: PADF Hatien Region 3
Report 08. Farmer Needs Assessment Exploratory Surveys: field information acquisition guide and methodology
Report 03. Monitoring and evaluation system for PLUS
Report 01. Status of see orchards and tree improvement trials in Haiti and plan of activities 1993-1994
Soil Management CRSP Program: Haiti Steeplands Project
Auburn faculty and staff who contributed to the Haiti Agroforestry projects:
- Dennis Shannon, Agronomy & Soils, PI, agroforestry research
- Curtis Jolly, Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, co-PI
- Richard Guthrie, Dean, College of Agriculture, Pedology
- Kyung Yoo, Professor, Biosystems Engineering, soil and water conservation
- Lionel Isaac, Agronomy & Soils, Ph.D.
- Jean René Bossa, Agronomy & Soils, Ph.D.
- Budry Bayard, Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, M.S., Ph.D.
Project Reports
*reports are listed in descending numerical order:
Adoption of rock walls as a soil conservation structure in Haiti
Soil profile descriptions for steeplands research sites in Haiti
Promising tree species as hedgerows for alley cropping in different environments in Haiti
Long-term effects of soil conservation barriers on crop yield on a tropical steepland in Haiti