Soren Rodning (back left), BCIA Vice President Donny Stephens (back right) and Maren and Ellie Rodning
The Alabama Beef Cattle Improvement Association named the 2014 recipient of the Outstanding Extension Educator at the 72nd Annual Alabama Cattleman’s Association Conference in Huntsville.
Alabama BCIA recognized Soren Rodning, associate professor in the Auburn University Department of Animal Sciences and an Extension veterinarian with the Alabama Cooperative Extension System.
The Outstanding Extension Educator Award is presented to recognize and honor an exceptional Extension educator and his or her support and implementation of beef cattle performance programs in Alabama.
Rodning’s Extension efforts primarily involve promoting herd health and reproductive management for beef and dairy cattle, with minor emphasis on meat goats, sheep, pigs and horses. His primary research focus is investigating various cattle diseases.
Rodning has provided 40 invited lectures, has helped organize more than 25 Extension programs, provided more than 165 Extension presentations, and authored or co-authored more than 50 Extension publications, newsletters, fact sheets, informational bulletins and training manuals. In addition, Rodning served as an instructor for BCIA Seedstock Continuing Education Program and for the Master Cattlemen’s Program.
Rodning also currently serves in the Alabama Army National Guard with the 20th Special Forces Group based in Birmingham. He was deployed to Afghanistan in 2010-11 with the 358th Medical Detachment of Veterinary Services.
The Alabama BCIA is a non-profit organization seeking to promote, educate and facilitate the use of performance data, record keeping and marketing opportunities to improve the Alabama cattle industry. Formed in 1964, BCIA cooperates with the Alabama Cooperative Extension System under a formal agreement.