Valentina M. Hartarska
Alumni Professor
Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology
(334) 844-5666
Get In Touch
210 Comer Hall
Auburn Univ, AL 36849
- 2002: Ph.D. The Ohio State University
- 1997: MA. in Economics. CEU, Hungary & University of Essex, UK
- 1995: B.A. Finance. UNWE, Bulgaria
- 2019: June Visiting Professor, Montpellier Business School, France
- 2016-present: Graduate Program Officer, PhD in Applied Economics, Graduate Committee Chair
- 2015: Visiting Fulbright Scholar, Center for European Research of Microfinance, Free University of Brussels, Belgium
- 2014-present: Alumni Professor
- 2013-present: Joint Appointment (Courtesy) Professor, Department of Finance, Auburn University
- 2002-2013: Assistant, Associate, and full Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Auburn Univ.
- 2012-present: Associate Researcher, Center for European Research of Microfinance, ULB, Brussels, Belgium
- 2008-2011: Adjunct Professor, Université Mons-Hainaut, Belgium
- 2007: Consultant, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), The World Bank
- 2019: Warren Samuels Prize for Outstanding Research, Society of Social Economics, ASSA Meeting, Atlanta
- 2018-2019: Co-Chair, Committee for Strategic Internationalization of Auburn University
- 2018: Outstanding Publication Award, College of Agriculture, Auburn University
- 2018: Best Paper Award in Microfinance (finalist), FMA International
- High Impact Paper Award, College of Agriculture, Auburn University, 2012 and 2016
- 2015: Fulbright Scholar, Core Programs, Belgium
- 2014-present: Global Teaching Academy Fellow, Auburn University
- 2013: Plenary Speaker, 3rd European Microfinance Research Conference, Agder University, Norway
- 2013: Emerald Literati Network, Highly Commended Award Winner
- 2008: Distinguished Professional Contribution Award, Southern Agricultural Economics Association
- 2006: Fellowship, Center for Financial Research, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Invited Speaker:
- Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis, October 3rd, 2013
- Microfinance Industry Meeting, Agder University, Norway, 2011
- Financial Economics Seminar, The World Bank, 2010
- Federal Reserve System, 4th Community Affairs Research Conference, 2005
- American Finance Association
- Financial Management Association International
- Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
- American Economics Association
- European Agricultural Economics Association
- International Association of Agricultural Economists
My main research interests are in financial markets and institutions, agricultural finance, microfinance and economic development. I am interested in the efficiency and governance of traditional and nontraditional financial institutions, impact analysis, gender and financial decision-making, as well as real estate finance.
- Agricultural Finance
- Agribusiness Finance
- Agribusiness Management
- Introductory Econometrics (M.S. & Ph.D.)
- Introduction to Rural Development (M.S.)
- International Development Economics (Applied Impact Analysis Ph.D.)
- Ph.D. Research Paper Development
- Sheng Li, D. Nadolnyak, and V. Hartarska, (2019) “Agricultural Land Conversion: Impacts of Economic and Natural Risk Factors in a Coastal Area,” Land Use Policy. 80(1): 380-390
- Khachatryan, K., V. Baghdasaryan, and V. Hartarska (2019) “Is the Model ‘Loans-Plus-Savings’ Better for Microfinance Institutions? A PSM Comparison,” Review of Development Economics, DOI: 10.1111/rode.12589
- Chen, R, V. Hartarska, and N. Wilson, (2018) “The Causal Impact of HACCP on Seafood Imports in the U.S.: An Application of Difference-in-Differences within the Gravity Model” Food Policy, 79: 166-178.
- Malikov, E. and V. Hartarska, (2018) “Endogenous Scope Economies in Microfinance,” Journal of Banking and Finance,” 93: 162-182. CoAg Outstanding Publication Award, 2018
- Shen Xuan, and V. Hartarska (2018) “Winners and Losers from Financial Derivatives Use by Community Banks” Applied Economics,50(41):4402-4417
- Quaye F., Nadolnyak D., and V. Hartarska (2018) “Climate Change Impacts on Farmland Values in the Southeast,” Sustainability, 10 (10), 3426
- Nadolnyak, D., V. Hartarska, and X Shen (2017) “’Farm Credit System Credit and Farm Income and Output’” Agricultural Finance Review,77(1):95-110.
- Delgado M., C Parmeter, V. Hartarska and R Mersland, (2015) “Should All Microfinance Institutions Mobilize Microsavings? Evidence from Economies of Scope” Empirical Economics 48:193–225.
- Hartarska, V. Roy Mersland, and Denis Nadolnyak (2014) “Are Women Better Bankers for the Poor: Evidence from Rural Microfinance Institutions?” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 96 (5): 1291-1306
- Hartarska, V., Shen, X., and R. Mersland, (2013) “Scale Economies and Elasticities of Substitution in Microfinance Institutions,” Journal of Banking and Finance, 37(1): 118-131.
- Hartarska, V., and R. Mersland, (2012), “What Governance Mechanisms Promote Efficiency in Reaching Poor Clients? Evidence from Rated MFIs,” European Financial Management, 18(2): 218-239
- Hartarska, V.; C. Parmeter, and D. Nadolnyak (2011) “Economies of Scope of Lending and Mobilizing Deposits in Rural MFIs: a Semiparametric Analysis,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 93(2):389-398.
- Caudill, S, D. Gropper, and V. Hartarska (2009), “Which Microfinance Institutions Are Becoming More Cost-Effective With Time? Evidence from a Mixture Model,” Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking,41(4): 651-672
- Hartarska V. and D. Nadolnyak, (2008) “An impact Analysis of Microfinance in Bosnia,” World Development 26(12): 2605-2619.
- Hartarska, V. and D. Nadolnyak (2007), “Do Regulated Microfinance Institutions Achieve Better Sustainability and Outreach? Cross-Country Evidence,” Applied Economics 39(10-12): 1207-1222
- Hartarska, V. and C. Gonzalez-Vega (2005), “Credit Counseling and Mortgage Termination by Low-Income Households,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 30(3):227-243.
- Hartarska, V. (2005) “Governance and Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States,” World Development, Vol. 33(10):1627-1643.