Shannon Brewer
Research Professor
School of Fisheries, Aquaculture & Aquatic Sciences
(334) 750-5632
Get In Touch
319 Swingle Hall
Auburn Univ, AL 36849
- 2008 Ph.D., Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, University of Missouri
- 2004 M.S., Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, University of Missouri
- 2001 B.S., Biological Sciences, Missouri Western State University
- Unit Leader 2020- U.S. Geological Survey, Alabama Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
- Research Professor, Auburn University 2020
- Assistant Unit Leader 2010-2020 U.S. Geological Survey, Oklahoma Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
- Professor 2019-2020 Department of Natural Resources Ecology and Management, Oklahoma State University
- Associate Professor 2015- 2019 Department of Natural Resources Ecology and Management, Oklahoma State University
- Assistant Professor 2010-2014 Department of Natural Resources Ecology and Management, Oklahoma State University
- Distinguished Service Award, Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 2020
- Associate Editor, North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 2017-Present
- Outstanding Fisheries Worker Award, Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 2017
- President, Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 2014
- Rising Star Honoree, American Fisheries Society, Equal Opportunity Section, 2013
American Fisheries Society, 1999 – present
My research is of particular interest to state, federal, and non-governmental agencies including Tribal Nations because I focus on identifying relations and mechanisms related to rare, declining, or economically important aquatic species for which the causes and corresponding management responses are unclear. As a researcher, I am broadly interested in the conservation and management of lotic ecosystems, but I conduct research in three primary areas –
- Disturbance of stream ecosystems (e.g., environmental flows, drought)
- Improving riverine sampling
- Ecology, conservation, and management of stream fauna.
- Mollenhauer, R., J. Mouser, and S. K. Brewer. 2018. Sampling the stream landscape: improving the applicability of an ecoregion-level capture probability model for stream fishes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75(10): 1614-1625.
- Worthington, T. A., A. E. Echelle, J. S. Perkin, R. Mollenhauer, N. Farless, J. Dyer, D. Logue, and S. K. Brewer. 2018. The emblematic minnows of the North American Great Plains: Identifying information needs to benefit persistence and recovery. Fish and Fisheries 19: 271-307.
- Brewer, S. K., T. A. Worthington, R. Mollenhauer, D. R. Stewart, R. A. McManamay, L. Guertault, and D. Williams. 2018. Synthesizing models useful for ecohydrology and ecohydraulic approaches: An emphasis on integrating models to address complex research questions. Ecohydrology 11(7): https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.1966.
- Dyer, J. J. and S. K. Brewer. 2018. Habitat Associations by Three Crayfish Endemic to the Ouachita Mountain Ecoregion. Southeastern Naturalist 17: 257-269.
- Mollenhauer, R., D. Logue, and S. K. Brewer. 2018. Quantifying seining detection probability for small-bodied fishes of Great Plains sand-bed rivers. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147: 329-341.
- Zhou, Z., G. Fox, R. Miller, R. Mollenhauer, and S. K. Brewer. 2018. Groundwater flux estimation in streams: A thermal equilibrium approach. Journal of Hydrology 561:822-832.
- Mollenhauer, R. and S. K. Brewer. 2018. Snorkeling efficiency of sunfishes in clear, warmwater streams of the south-central United States. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 9:602-609.
- Taylor, A. T., J. M. Long, M. R. Schwemm, and S. K. Brewer. 2018. Hybridization and Genetic Structure of Neosho Smallmouth Bass in the Ozark Highlands. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38: 1226-1240.
- Guertault, L., G. A. Fox, and S. K. Brewer. 2018. Geomorphic identification of physical habitat features in a large, altered river system. Proceedings of the ninth International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics E3S Web of Conferences 40, 02031.
- Miller, A., R. Mollenhauer, and S.K. Brewer. 2019. Movement and diel habitat use of juvenile Neosho Smallmouth Bass in an Ozark stream. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39:240-253.
- Mouser, J.B., D.C. Ashley, T. Aley, and S. K. Brewer. 2019. Subterranean invasion by gapped ringed crayfish: A removal effort and barrier installation. Diversity, 11(1), 3; https://doi.org/10.3390/d11010003.
- Mouser, J., R. Mollenhauer†, and S. K. Brewer. 2019. The relationship between multiscale controlling factors and the distribution of a native Faxonius assemblage Diversity and Distributions 25:61-73.
- Brewer, S. K., B. Brown, T. A. Worthington, R. Mollenhauer, A. Rodger, M. Skoog, and J. Burroughs. 2019 First summer survival and channel unit habitat use by the Neosho subspecies of Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu velox). Pages 21-37 in Managing Centrarchid Fisheries. American Fisheries Society Symposium, Bethesda.
- Mollenhauer, R., Y. Zhou, and S. K. Brewer. 2019. Multiscale Habitat Factors Explain Variability in Stream Fish Occurrence in the Ozark Highlands Ecoregion, U.S.A. Copeia 107:219-231.
- Worthington, T. A., S. K. Brewer, B. Viex, and J. Keenen. 2019. The accuracy of ecological flow metrics derived using a physics-based distributed rainfall-runoff model in the Great Plains, USA. Ecohydrology https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.2090.
- Dattilo, J., D. E. Shoup, and S. K. Brewer. 2019. Age and growth of Freshwater Drum and Gizzard Shad occupying two reservoir-river complexes with different groundwater contributions. North American Journal of Fisheries Management doi:10.1002/nafm.10342.
- Wolf, S., R. Mollenhauer, and S. K. Brewer. 2019. Coldwater periods in warmwater streams: microhabitat shifts from autumn to winter by Smallmouth Bass. Submitted to North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39:1360-1372.
- Mollenhauer, R., A. Miller, J. Goff, and S. K. Brewer. 2020. Population size and body size varies in relation to reach-scale groundwater contribution for warmwater stream fishes. Southeastern Naturalist 19:308-324.
- Mouser, J., J. Glover, and S. K. Brewer. 2020. Age estimates for North American crayfish and the influence of temperature on gastric mill band formation. Freshwater Crayfish 25: 59-67. doi: 10.5869/fc.2020.v25-1.059
- DiStefano R. J., D. Ashley, S. K. Brewer, J. Mouser, and M. Neimiller. 2020. Preliminary investigation of the critically imperiled Caney Mountain Cave Crayfish Orconectes stygocaneyi (Decapoda: Cambaridae) (HOBBS III 2001) in Missouri, USA. Freshwater Crayfish. 25. 47-57. 10.5869/fc.2020.v25-1.047.
- Dyer J., and S. K. Brewer. 2020. Seasonal movements and tributary-specific fidelity of Blue Sucker in a Southern Plains riverscape. Journal of Fish Biology 97:279-292.
- Gunn, J., L. Berkman, J. Koppelman, A. Taylor, S. K. Brewer, J. Long, and L. Eggert. 2020. Complex patterns of genetic and morphological differentiation in the Smallmouth Bass subspecies (Micropterus dolomieu dolomieu and M. d. velox) of the Central Interior Highlands. Conservation Genetics https://doi.org/10.1007/s10592-020-01295-1.
- Miller, A., and S. K. Brewer. In Press. Spatiotemporal variation in age-0 Smallmouth Bass abundances depends on physicochemical conditions and network position. Ecosphere.